A. Well, the difference between Birkenau and Buna was that Birkenau was a death camp. People usually would go there and then be sent to the crematory. But Buna was a work camp. There, you got to live as long as you worked. So that is how Buna would be better then Birkenau.
2. The French woman who consoles Elie enlisted to be sent to work in the concentration camps as a civilian worker. She was not FORCED to be there. Explain some possible reasons why she would request to leave her home in France to go to Poland where discovery would mean instant death.
A. The reason she wanted to be moved from France to Poland was so that she could make a new background for herself. She was able to get papers changed so then she could be Aryan instead of Jewish. And if she would of done that in France, someone would of probably noticed it because she grew up there and people knew her, so by moving to Poland, she was able to make herself Aryan and end up saving her life.
3. Elie says he marched for four hours to get from Birkenau and Buna. Why would it take so long? He was still in Auschwitz. Go to the USHMM website and watch the presentation, look at the maps of Auschwitz, and determine the distance from Birkenau and Buna. Use the picture with this post to help you. Here is another link to information about Buna.
A. The reason it took so long was because the camps were spread out. When you have a big camp like that, you don’t want to have everything cramped together a) because you have a million people there and b) if you enter war and some country comes and bombs the camp not everything will be taking out at once.
McCool Group
Jackie M, Alex S, Shane L, Jackie G
I really liked how you responded, quick, nice, and straight to the point. You gave reasonable answers. Good job and keep up the good work.
I agree with your post. Your number two I think is a reasonable reason to why she did what she did.
I agree with your first two answers. Very good. But on number three I slightly disagree. It shouldn't of taken that long. It was only 6 miles. But I do agree with what you said about there being problems because there were so many people that were traveling to the other camp. Good post :]
I really liked your answer to number two. I liked how you said that she went to Poland to get her papers so no one would know her. What would you have done? I would have done the same thing as her to save my own life. Good job!
Your group post was really good I thought. I like the part where you describe the reason why it took so long to get from place to place. I like how you thought outside the box and said if someone tried to come and bomb the camp and all the buildings being spread out is going to be better for the camp. If they were all close together there would be no way to protect themselves so i think it was a very goo post and i total agree good job.
I liked your answers. I thought that you answered them in pretty good detail and you did just focus on the point. Good Job!
Good job. I like your post. Especially to number two. I would have done the same thing as you mentioned. Great job [:
Yes Buna was a better camp, also that she forged papers to show that she was an Aryan. None of us know why she did all this. Also yes on the last question every part of that camp was spread out so it had much more room to grow. Keep up the good work.
I agree with most of your posts except number 3. The camp was only 6 miles away from Buna.I'm not saying that I would know why, but I am pretty sure that the different parts of the camps were relatively close together. But in the book it does say that the German officers were stopping along the way to flirt and tickle the German girls and they were in no hurry to get there.
Good post... very good answers keep up the good work.
Good job. On number 2 I agree that if she stayed in France the people who lived by her would know who she was still Jewish. Number 3 could have been more in-depth but it was still a reason it would take so long and details to support your answer.
Good post. I agree with number 1 & 2. On number three another possibility was the weather conditions. If it were to be raining or snowing its going to take a little longer.
Your post was good and you answers were striaght to the point. On number three I think you did well because at least your thinking outside the box and not putting the same ideas as the rest of your class, although I agree with Jordan, the German Nazis were in no hurry to get to the camp.
Good post! On number two however, i dont think the woman wanted to leave her home. i think she knew that she had to, and did it to live. And your answer to number three was good; it focuses on more of the big picture instead of just the Jews. Yeah, the conditions the Jews were in contributed to the time it took to travel, but what you said also influenced it too. No other group really put in their answers what you guys did! Good job! Its easy to forget that there were thousands of people traveling at one time.
Constance, good question! I would of been so scared to do anything! But yes, I would leave to go somewhere to change my background as soon as possible!
Jordan, yes the camp was only 6 miles wide, but you have to think about all of the buildings and the millions of people that where there at that time. Not really a million but do you get the point what I'm trying to say? It'd be hard to go through all of that.
Elizabeth I like what you had said to my group I was very pleased with it.
On number two, she wasn't moving to Poland. She obtained forged papers so that she could work in a labor camp in Germany, not Poland. Also, on number three you didn't really answer the question, it wanted to know why it took so long to get there, not why they were spread out. Read the last page of chapter three, there's the correct answer.
Jackie Marie no offense and I don't mean to be rude but it states what I said right on the last page of chapter three. Their numbers did not hinder how long it took them to get there.
Constance, to tell you the truth, there is no way to tell what anybody would do until you are in that situation and you have to make a decision between life and death, and forced to make a split second decision
Donnie P I like how you stated your comment. The sentence that I really like is there is no way to tell what anybody would do until you are in that situation. That was a great sentence.
Okay I reread it, it said that the Germans where teasing the German girls and had no hurry to get to the other side. So you are correct but I'm just stating my opinion and defending my groups post.
Melanie, the reason it took so long was a bit more then the Germans teasing the German girls or they were in no hurry! If you do think about it, there were many people, buildings and then the weather could of been a reason as well.
Good post. I never thought of question number three like you did. But if they had all the Jews rounded up and ready to go it wouldn't take that long to get out of the concentration camp. But that's just what I think. I really like your answers to question one and two you guys are very good at making sure you answer the question completely.
I'm just going by what the book tells us and it said they walked slow, were in no hurry, and that they stopped so the guards could flirt. It didn't say anything about the weather or anything else slowing them down.
Excellent discussion!!!
I know it didn't but we are just thinking outside of the box. We did read that the Guards stopped and flirted and just took their time, we know that. Our group just thought a bit more about what else would of slowed them down. I get were you are coming from and respect that. But just think about what else could of slowed them down!
I get where you're coming from, but you don't have to think outside of the box when the answer is right in front of you. Also, in your answer you didn't even really answer the question, so I was just responding to that also. It didn't ask about entering war and being bombed, it asked why it took so long, and the answer to that is directly in the book.
I know it is directly in the book...But seriously other things did get in the way and make them take longer to get there! Yes, I know that it was because the Germans were flirting with the girls and they just wanted to take their sweet time! But still I'm just saying that it was also the buildings and the weather!
What buildings? What weather? It was a fairly nice day. How do you know what slowed them down besides what the book said? You weren't there.
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