1. The Nazis determined whether or not a person was a Jew by official documents such as passports and other government issuances stating their race. Also, there were many all-Jewish communities in Poland and Germany.
2. Christianity is a religion, not a race. Someone who says they are not a Christian means that they are not a Christian. Christianity is strictly a religion, and those people who are Christians would never deny it.
3. If a Jewish woman marries a Gentile, the man wouldn't necessarily be a Jew. We think that the man would still be whatever he was before. Just because someone marries into a Jewish family doesn't mean that person has to share the same beliefs.
After the Holocaust, some of the survivors went home. Others probably tried to make a new life for themselves in other places. The Jews wouldn't have much left from their lives before the Holocaust. It would be really hard to go back to the same life, and bring back memories of how their lives used to be.
By: Elizabeth, Sam, Samantha, Taylor
I agree with your post. Christianity is NOT a race. Neither is being Jewish or whatever religion you are. I believe that no matter what situation you are in no matter how hard it is you can't deny your faith. It is like giving up on life itself. I also like how you answered the 3rd question. In the Torah it says that he is not Jewish anymore but I like how you said that in your mind he still is one. I agree on that! Great Post! :)
On the first question there was some other ways they determined if they were Jewish or not. Like by their backgrounds and what the believed in. But anyway good job on your guys post. I agree with you and what Andrea said about Christianity being a religion and not a race, I agree. Good job.
I like how you talked about how that they didn't determine if you were a Jew by if you followed it...if you abandoned it, it didn't matter you were a Jew, thats what your documents say...your a Jew, there was no way to talk out of it.
I agree with your post, but i think that you can still be Christian, and still hide it. I'm not saying that it is right, but you can still do that. It would be the same as Jews trying to pretend not to be Jews, you can do it but its not right.
Good Post i agree with your post. I also agree with Siebz when he said that you can still be Christian and still hide it. I don't think if your really were Christian that your would just leave your faith i guess thats just me tho.
I agree with you. In number one I think that you can determine if they are a Jew just by what they believe in and what they practice. I do agree with that Christianity is not a race it just is something that people choose to practice or believe in. Good Post!
I really liked the answer to your second question. If you say you aren't a Christian, then you aren't and it should be left at that. Its not a race, and who we are as people should not be determined by our religion.
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