Suffering…..life is great when all goes well, but when life turns upside down there’s someone to blame. We thank when everything is so great we thank him, but when its not we question him. To question him is to question life. God is powerful and people wonder why when they are being killed why isn’t he stopping this. They are quick to over look that when a weed starts to grow they multiply, but with time they die off, with care they go away. When Jews were in the concentration camps, Nazis multiplied death grew, with time the war ended, with care the Jews were saved.
Punishing, as they told in the movie there was many tragic events that happened to the Jews, but there was always an end result, he saved them, the Jews lived. They didn’t ever vanish they lived. We don’t feel that he was punishing them, after the war Jews lived to get land back in Israel to call their own, to make theirs. Maybe life at the time seems as though punishment was hell, that God was favoring the others. The Jews where dying and the Nazis were living. They were killing, but yet living, they felt abandoned. So maybe it felt like punishment, but they lived, they prevailed, they gained. Some lost, many died, but the war did end, and the Jews lived on.
Some thought they were being punished, but were they? Where they being punished by God? Never, Hitler was not their God he was that bad angel, Satan. God loves everyone the same amount, its said something like this in the Bible that God loves the tax collector just as much as a Christian. Hitler on the other hand was that tax collector, God loves all the same, but he never punished them. Didn’t he always save them? Did Hitler save them, no.
Faith, did Jews lose faith? It was their choice, they either let it burn or they kept it to keep burning, to go on. Was it a test? It wasn’t a test like you chose the letter C if you don’t know the answer. If your questioning faith, the test failed, if you picked to love God more, to go on to believe more, the test past with flying colors.
Why didn’t he save them, they were his people? Jews are the chosen people why didn’t he help them? Why didn’t we have the Germans in concentration camps and the Jews in charge? Why, because he cared about them. To show the world that the Jews did live on, that their flame never went out. They were shot down many times, but they always lived on, they chose life. My favorite part in the movie, was when the “judge” brought the two aside and said, I don’t know much about your God but, these men they took your property, took your family, took your name, but keep your God they cant take your God, keep him. So even people that didn’t have faith, started to, they realized that God was out there that at least someone was out there.
Race, there is Caucasians , African Americans, Hispanics, Oriental. There’s not the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims. When it comes back all of those other categories of races all of them are different religions, but all of them have someone in their race that have the same religion as the next guy. When it comes down when you take away race, religion, their just humans. Judaism is religion, some choose to live with it, to praise it, others left it, didn’t want anything to do with it. You can't choose to be African American, or Hispanic; you’re born with it. You choose to be a Christian, a Jew. Religion is a choice, race is not.
If you were once a Jew you are always a Jew. That’s how the Nazis determined that. How did they act on it, they were prejudice they chose to put death on rather than life. They thought they were doing Gods will by killing all who were different, different isn’t that what it comes down to, but if you think about it they had something in common, they judged. The Nazis judged the Jews, the Jews judged God, determine now how they new who was a Jew and who wasn’t.
McCool Group: Lindee, Andrea, Kyle, Brady
Sorry that its so long :] We kind of saw the questions and kept going with it.
Its fine because your post is very good! I like the sentence where you said "If your questioning faith, the test failed, if your picked to love God more, to go on to believe more, the test passed with flying colors." You shouldn't have to question faith and that sentence said a lot. I also liked the sentence that said "It was their choice, they either let it burn or they kept it to keep burning, to go on." Good job your post is good!
WOW you guys did a great job. I like the way its worded its poetic in a way ya'know. I really like the first sentence "Suffering…..life is great when all goes well, but when life turns upside down there’s someone to blame."
Awesome job. My favorite part was when you say that when everything is going good we thank him and when things go bad we blame him. It is the truth. People are always looking for other people to blame for their problems.
Holy cow. I really really really like your post. I don't have any negative comments to go with this comment. I agree with every single word you said. It was so good!!!!!
OK I absolutly Te Totally Agree With Your Group!!!! this was a great post i dont think I could have said it any better!!!! This was a super post!!
That was GREAT!! That has to be the most thought-out post i have seen during this whole blogging experience. Awesome. I completely agree with everything you said, and you explained everything very thoroughly. Good job!
Your response is really deep. I like how you go into depth and I can tell you really feel what you were saying. Nice job.
I agree with your post. You explained your answers thoroughly. Great job keep up the good work!
Pretty good post
Great job. I really liked this post. You guys put so much detail into it and laid out all your thoughts. I really enjoyed reading this. :]
Good job!!! I really like the way you said that God loves every one no matter wheather they are a christian or not. That puts alot of things into perspective. And in the end people who went through that who were killed, are in paradise right now (the ones that accepted Him), and the nazis are forever in tormented hell. Keep up the Great work!!
You are totally right about having to blame someone when something goes wrong. Its really sad that it happens that way, but its so true.
I really like your style of writing its like everything makes sense. My favorite part though is when you said "Religion is a choice, race is not." You put everything into a better perspective then any of the rest of the groups. Keep it up.
You post is great! It is interesting to read and has a poetic feel to it, as if I'm reading the thoughts straight from your heads. Good Job.
Great post. I love how you can tell that you really feel what your saying. There's a lot of passion in the writing and a lot of details. Good job.
"If your questioning faith, the test failed, if your picked to love God more, to go on to believe more, the test passed with flying colors." Powerful statement, I loved it. Good job going into detail. Great post.
Awesome post girl. Very heartfelt. Great job. I can't think of anything negative to say about it. :)
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