Maybe he feels it is such an important event in his life that he cant forget any of the details. And he feels he needs to remember for the ones who died, its like he his memory is a n unheard voice from all of the furnaces, mass graves, and slaughterhouses. To make this untold event finally exposed in all of the ugly details.
Yes we think they should. To learn from the past is to truly to study the past and ensure it never happens again.
McCool Group: Don P., Seyd P., Wade T., Shelby R., Natasha A
Your post is good. In the sentence "And he feels he needs to remember for the ones who died, its like he his memory is an unheard voice from all of the furnamces, mass graves, and slaughterhouses." You have a space between an so its is a n.... but that sentence says it all. It is exactly why he wants to share he wants the world to understand what this hell on Earth was like. Great post!
Thank you andrea.
I agree with Andrea. I really like that sentence..."its like he his memory is and unheard voice from all of the furnaces, mass graves, and slaughterhouses." Your piece is short but it gets right to the point and its very good. And your last sentence is true. People do need to learn from the past, from the survivors, to make sure something like that would never happen every again.
Its a wee bit short, but that doesn't mean that you didn't put detail. Great job I like how you guys said something about the unheard voices, people didn't get to hear the voices and stories from the people that didn't make it. Good Job!!
Your post was good, short, but good! I like your last sentence. It's a powerful statement and wraps up the whole post. Great way to end it! But don't forget to use punctuation. Like in can't. haha Good post!
Who chose the pic?
Your post was very good and full of detail i liked how you explained that he was wondering if he should remember all the ones that died. very good.
sorry about the picture just a miscommunication between group members.
I really liked this. It was short but to the point. I especially liked the line "its like his memory is an unheard voice from all the furnaces, mass graves, and slaughterhouses." Nice Job.
I like how you said he was the unheard voice from the furnaces. Thats a very powerful thing, to be able to speak for a whole race of people. He was very brave to stand up like that when he could have been the one burning in the furnace.
Good post. It was just a bit short, but the way you said it made up for it. Great job.
I like how you say he needs to remember so he can speak for those who died in this tragedy. Good post.
Good post. I like that it was straight to the point. What happened was horrible and must never happen again. We cant afford for history to repeat itself in this case.
This was good. I agree. Your post was short but it also had a lot of meaning behind it. Great job!
Good post! I like that you say he talkes about this for the people that were lost in this awfull time. I also liked how you said he is like the unheard voice thats a great way to put it!!!
Good job. Your post was kind of short but it got right to the point. The part where you say he feels the need to remember the ones who died was really good.
Good post short and straight to the point with good supporting statements. I really like the end of your post its inspirational to learn all about the past you can to prevent other bad things from happening again.
It was short sweet and to the point! very good i like how you said that his memory is an unheard voice from every thing that went on! keep up the good work!!!
Pretty good post. Although it was really short you had some good stuff in there.
I agree with this although I think you could have written a little more and gone into a little more detail.
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