Q: Why is there so much suffering in the world and what kind of God would allow it to happen?
A: The Holocaust was a big affect in history. The world is still suffering because history is repeating itself all over the world today. Honestly, what God would let it happen? That question is beyond us. No kind of God should let it happen! Its still happening and He shouldn’t be allowing it.
Q: Is God punishing the Jews?
A: In away He is and in away He isn’t. He shouldn’t be punishing them because He has no right too. They believe that Jesus wasn’t the Son of God. So we can see both ways where God could be punishing the Jews and where He couldn’t be punishing them.
Q: Does the punishment fit the crime?
A: The Jews didn’t do anything to hurt anyone. They were living their lives the way they wanted. Even though they had different religious beliefs, it shouldn’t be a crime. They didn’t do anything at all to anyone.
Q: Is their suffering a test of faith?
A: Yes, because they lived through hell and were being tortured to death in the cold and blazing hot weather. They thought God was making them go through the living hell that they did.
Q: If God is so powerful, why does He not help His people?
A: Because God wanted to test them, He wanted to see how much faith they actual had. God does this everyday, and it is different measures for everyone. He tests us to see how much we believe in Him, because in the end, He will show us how much he can do for us if we believe in Him. For the Jews at that time, they were brought out of the Holocaust, because there were many that still believed in Him. That is the power of God.
Q: Is Judaism a religion or a race?
A: To religious people, it is, but to regular people who don’t have any real religion, it is a race, so it can look at two different ways. We all think that it is just a religion.
Q: How did the Nazis determine who was Jewish and who was not?
A: By looking at family records, or just how the people lived their normal lives. It was easy to just to walk in to a village and tell if it was a Jewish community or not. Obviously if they had blonde hair and blue eyes they weren’t Jewish. They had to have dark hair and green or brown eyes.
McCool Jct. Group
Jackie M, Alex S, Shane L, Jackie G
Honestly I think that we did a great job on our post even if no one has commented yet
You guys said that what God would let this happen and something about that he should'nt. In my opinion thats kind of questioning God. You guys said the Jews that still believed in him and that they were brought out of the holocaust so heres a question for you didn't he save them? He didn't let it happen, he didn't let them win.Thats the power of God. Also about how the Jews were living their lives praising him, well this was a test to show who was just walking around and doing the motions, it showed who believed and who really didn't.
Good Job. you all went in depth with your answers and gave good supporting details to support your answers. keep up the good work.
I think God is letting it happen because people need to not sin and live through him. In my opinion i think that God was just trying to show the jews that he was there and if they believed in him then their lives would get better. I also htink that God Does have the right to punish anyone he feels needs it.
I agree with Lindee. You you questioning God. He does things for a reason, we may not know why he does it the way he does, but he will always help us through everything. In question two, you said "he shouldn't be punishing them because he has no right too." God has the right to do anything and everything he would like to. He is the most powerful man. He isn't trying to hurt them, he will protect them. Otherwise the other questions you answered were quite good.
Good job! I like your answer to the second question. Its easy to forget that the Jewish religion is different than what some of us are used to. I don't agree with it, but i understand that my religion is different from theirs and because of that we see things differently.
I like where you said that God test us every day because he wants to see how much faith we have in Him. It was really good. Great job.
For your first answer, who are we to be saying whether or not God should have allowed something like that or not? We should never question God. He does everything for a reason even if we dont understand why at the time.
Judaism is both a religion and a race. You can be a Jew without being Jewish. It has nothing to do with whether or not your religious or not. Jesus Christ was a Jew by race, but he was a Christian by religion. The Jewish religion does not believe that Jesus was the Son of God but he is, so therefore he is not a part of the Jewish religion. He is just Jew by race.
You are saying that God has all power but He has no right to punish the jews. then on the next couple of questions you say that He is testing there faith. its kinda confuseing to me. but you guys got into great depth on it. keep up the good work.
I don't necessarily think it would be write to say that God is allowing it to happen. People have to learn to help themselved. Learn from their mistakes. The world is an injust place. But if it wasn't, what kind of world would it be? It would be perfect and then there would be no need for us, people. Other than that, it was a good post.
I am confused. Your stating the fact that God has power, yet you go on to say that God has no right to punish the Jews. On personal belief God has the power to do anything he wants. He is the almighty God, and does what He feels best for his people. In many situations He is doing one of two things. He could be testing your faith, or he could be punishing you for a sin you have committed. God does what is best for his people.
I agree with most of your post. I don't agree with the first question though. I don't think you should question God like that. But other than that it was a good post. I strongly agree with your answer to question number two. The Jewish religion is way different than the religion most people are used to and sometimes I think we forget that. Great job!
Good post, way to answer all the questions completely! I'd have to disagree with the part where you said you have to have dark hair and green eyes to be a Jew. There are Jews with blond hair and blue eyes too. I liked the line "He tests us to see how much we believe in him, because in the end he will show us how much he can do for us if we believe in him."
Well I agree with most of these points. but all-in-all it was a very good post with a lot of thought put into it. Good job.
You did a good job when it came to the depth of your answers. Yuo seemed to contradict yourself though when you say God has no right to punish them. Religion and beliefs are a personal thing and I'm not going to go against anything you may believe. Good Post!!
Very in depth blog. Love it!
Hey its fine that you have different veiw on God. I like that you did say what you believe in and not what other people believe in. Good job guys. Its good to defend your blog but I think your first comment was a little much.
I'm a little confused on if you are saying God is powerful or not. You say He has no right to punish them but later you tell how much He can do for us if we believe in Him.
Other than that I thought your post was good. Good details and keep up the good work.
I know this is an opinion question and that your answers are your own opinions, but who are you to question God? God is all powerful, he can do what he wants. God created us, we did not create him. Who are we to say that he should not let something happen, or that he has no right to do something. He has every right to do what he wants. He has our best interest in mind in everything that he does. He will never do anything to intentionally harm us. Sometimes it may seem that what he is doing makes no since and sometimes he gives us an answer we weren't expecting, but everything he does is to prosper and bless us. Sometimes, though, we take what he gives us and we turn it around, that's is where the suffering comes from. He himself, though, has every right to do what he wants, we have no right to question him.
Good job on your blog, it is very well written. That being said I have to say that I don't agree with some of the things you said though. No offense, I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but who are we to question God? Everything he does he does for a reason. We may not understand that reason, but by faith we must trust Him and His judgment. He has every right to do whatever He wants to anyone He wants. He created us, we belong to Him. Our God is not a cruel or evil God, however, and, in my opinion, He can't be held responsible for the Holocaust. In my opinion, the Holocaust was a result of the evil of humanity, not of the actions of God. I just can't see Him making all those people suffer. But if He did then He had every right to do so. Now I'm not saying that the horrible atrocity of the Holocaust is justified or that the millions of innocent people deserved to die such horrible deaths. No, that was horrible, evil, and wrong.But it was not God's fault. We cannot blame Him for what happened. It was a product and example of all the evil that we as humans are capable of. God gave us free will. It's up to us to decide what we do with that free will. Sure, he could take that free will away, but He loves us too much to do that. The Holocaust was an example of free will gone terribly wrong. It was a product of the monstrously evil and demented mind of Hitler, and his followers, and there is no doubt in my mind that when judgment day comes, they will pay for their crimes. God will make sure of that. I'm not trying to pick on you guys or anything. Some of the stuff I wrote about in here doesn't even really have much to do with your post. Sorry once I get started it's kind of hard to stop. No offense intended. You did honestly do a really good job. Sorry for ranting. Religion is just a really touchy subject.
First I have to say that this blog has been fun, annoying, and extreamly intence. Now the post, excellent, like reading scripture. GREAT JOB!!!!
We didn't mean to be questioning God. How we did it is what we thought and had some troubles putting it into sentences and answers. I understand where all of you are coming from when you think that we are questioning God. But we didn't mean it that way just to clear things up a bit. Thanks for pointing that out.
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