1. He liked Auschwitz better because it was cleaner and set up nicer than Birkenau. They also had a better chance of living because it was a labor camp, not a concentration camp. So at Buna death was not as certain as it would have been at Birkenau.
2. The French girl didn’t want the Germans to know that she was Jewish so she faked not knowing German, she had false papers to hide her identity and acted as an Aryan so all she had to do was work and not be killed. The Germans were invading France and to hide from them she hid from them in plain sight instead of the being killed.
3. The reason it took so long to get to Buna is because it is a 6 mile walk in the winter, and they had no shoes so that might be why it took 4 hours. The Nazis also had to make sure none of the Jews ran off while they were marching.
Entrance to Birkenau
McCool Group: Don P., Seyd P., Wade T., Shelby R., Natasha A
Well i do agree with your answers but in the first question i don't think that Auschwitz is the name i would be using, but thats just me. Besides that you guys do a very good job on answer the questions
I agree with your last two answers. Good job! In your first answer I don't know why they would like Auschwitz better. They were both death camps. Just because it was set up nicer shouldn't mean anything. But other than that good post :]
Your answers are really good. I agree with you when you said that they had no shoes and that could be part of the reason why it took them so long to get there. The story says that the Germans make them walk slowly and they were flirting with German girls on the way. You guys did a really great job.
I thought you did a good job. When you said that "The Nazis had to make sure none of the jews ran off while they were marching" I think that had nothing to do with the time it took to march because if one of the Jews were to run off they wouldn't have gotten very far without being killed, especially with the cold and little strength.
I really liked your phrase in number two "she hid from them in plain sight." I thought your response to three was good too. I would have liked to have seen more detail on one.
Whoa!!! Sorry for that. We did not mean Auschwitz, we meant Buna. Sorry about that.
Well I like your groups answers i thought you did a good job of answering the questions. I in a way do agree with Darius on not using Auschwitz in the first answer. Other wise good job.
I do like your post. I agree with Taylor though, even though Auschwitz was set up nicer, doesn't mean it was going to be a better camp, it was still just has harsh and cruel as the others. Buna they did happen to like a little more because it was strictly a work camp, if they were able to work, they were able to stay alive for at least another day. Other than that great job, i like your response to number three. [:
Does not look like you tried very hard on number one but the other two answers are great.
I really like how you said that she "hid in plain sight instead of being killed." That really makes a lot of sense that I had not thought of before. About number three though the book said that the German officers were in no hurry to get there so they stopped frequently along the way in other towns to flirt with German girls.
You guys did a good job i just think in my opinion # 3 was a little of but great job.
You guys for the most part did ok. I think you could have went into a little more detail and made your posts a little longer because the answers aren't answered as much as they could be. For your first answer, yes they probably might have liked Buna a better but either way, the majority of them were going to die anyway. Only the strong survived and they worked them so hard at Buna, that if they just didn't give up on their own, then they were to weak to work any longer and were killed.
The first answer that you put you said that Auschwitz was cleaner and set up nicer than Birkenau, I think that you meant Buna, but toward the end is really good. Also on the third answer we dont really know if it was winter or not but it could be a possibility. But it said that while they were marching that they were relaxed and the officers were talking to the residents along the way. but keep up the god work.
Good Post, although it could have been a little longer. On number three, do we know that they marched in winter??? I very much agree that the weather conditions played a major roll in why it took so long.
I dont completely agree with your answer to number three. i think that even if some Jews would have tried to get away the SS guards would have let them go because the conditions were so harsh that the Jews would have died anyway. Also, in the book it describes how even the well-fed and well-rested guards were having difficulty during the long periods of running. The Jews were so malnourished that they probably weren't going at a very fast pace, and it was freezing and snowing outside.
I like on number 2 how you said "she hid from them in plain sight." I liked your answer to number 3. I forgot it was winter and that would have made it even worse for those marching. On number one I would have liked to see more comparing and contrasting the camps. Probably should have gone into more detail.
On number one I don't think that it mattered whether or not it was cleaner or set up differently; I think it was a better camp to be at, rather than Birkenau, because it was a labor camp and they weren't treated as harshly. I like your answer to number two and how you said she hid from them in plain sight. Nice Job.
Thanks everyone for stating that Auschwitz is not better than any other camp. But think about it it would feel better to be at a WORK camp and not a DEATH camp.
Wade, no we put Auschwitz when we should have put Buna. We apologize for the mistake and thank you to the people who pointed it out. Now let's get off of that.
yes, we said that we agree we would much rather want to go to Buna because it was a work camp. It doesn't exactly mean you are going to survive, but you have a better posibility.
I don't know how it being cleaner or set up better makes that much of a difference a concentration camp is a concentration camp its not going to be a good experience either way. but other wise great job.
You guys did a good job. Our answers were pretty much like yours. On the second question she would have gotten caught if she stayed home so therefore she chose to go to Buna to be at least in a safe work camp. Good job on your post. By the way I like your picture.
I agree with brady
But Brady, Buna was a forced labor camp where death was not as certain as it was in Birkenau, an extermination camp. So there is a difference.
I really like your post. You put a picture in my head of the camps. Its really strong. I agree that if The French girl wouldn't have survived if she did not have the false papers. And along with Shelby, I like your picture! :)
Nice discussion!!
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