1. How did the Nazis determine if someone was Jewish?
A. Well you could walk in to any community and tell if it was a Jewish community. Then they could also look at records. And also last names can tell if the person was of which race, sometimes.
2. If a Christian says they are not a Christian, are they still a Christian?
A. Yes and no. It all depends on how you say if you’re not a Christian or not. If you say you’re not a Christian just to cover up so you won’t get yourself in trouble, then yes you are still a Christian. But if you strongly believe that your not a Christian, and you don’t believe in any of the religion, then you are not a Christian.
3. If a Jewish woman marries a Gentile, is the man considered Jewish?
A. It depends on how the marriage goes. He could become a Jew if he wanted to, or it could be the other way around. He could have her become a Gentile instead of a Jew, but it still the fact that she was a Jew, and during the Holocaust, there were many who didn’t even know that they were Jewish till the Nazis showed up at the front door and took them away. So to answer this last question, it could go either way, it all depends on the agreements in the marriage.
McCool Group
Alex Siebert, all alone.......
I agree with you except on the 2nd question. I think that if you are hiding the fact that you are a Christian than how are you? You can't be scared of your faith you have nothing to prove to anyone but God himself. So why would you hide it if you were strong in your faith? But overall good post! :)
Would you hide your faith if it was a matter of life or death? Hopefully not, but how can you know?
Good question... I honestly don't know the answer to that. But I would try my hardest not to hide my faith and not give up on Him. But if it was a life or death situation I don't know how I would handle it.... Would I question Him... Would I give up on Him... Would I hide my faith? ... I have no idea... Life wouldn't be the same without Him there for me. And even if I did any of the above questions He would still be there holding my hand along the way.
Sorry Alex that you had to do this by yourself. I believe there was a reason now why I wanted to do this on Friday, so we could of worked together as a group. But you didn't listen. Love ya Siebz :)
I liked your post but I think if you try to hide your faith then what kind of loyal servant are you? I mean the whole point of Christianity is to have faith in God even though you may not have physical proof. Its the ultimate test and if you deny it to save your life then how much can that afterlife really mean to you?
On number two I dont know if i can completely agree with that because if you disown your religion for any reason then why should you be forgiven? But overall I agree with this post.
I liked your post to but i also agree with E-Dizzle what kind of loyal servant are you if you hide your religion.
I really like how in the second question you said that if you try to hide your faith then you are still a Christian. You really put some thought into that question and thought about both sides. In the third question you said that it depends on how the marriage goes. It does not depend on that, it all depends on if the man decides to convert to the Jewish religion. The man will stay a Gentile as long as he does not convert.
I thought this was a good post. I agree if you say your not a christan just to cover up something than you are still a christan but why would you do that. If you are a christan you should not be scared to show it.
I really liked this post. I do agree with e-dizzle though on the second question. If you're hiding your faith than how are you a christian? But I really liked how you put so much thought into your third question. There was a lot of detail and I really liked that. Good job.
I don't really agree with your answer to question two. If you are truly a Christian and you love God, then nothing will make you want to deny him, and hide your faith. The Bible says that if you deny God in front of men then Jesus will deny you in front of his father. I true Christian would know this and never deny God or their faith. The only way that the gentile man would become a Jew, is if he converted.
Good post but I don't agree with you on number two, if you say your not a christian then you are abandoning your faith and you are not a christian. There really is no way of knowing a persons persona; faith unless they are totally open with you.
I like how you answered number one. Last names were probably one main source that they could use. On number two I disagree. The bible says your not to fear anything, and the only reason you would denounce Christ would be in the fear of something. whether it be death or afraid of getting in trouble. And I agree completely with question three. Good post!
I agree with your first answer. On the second, I don't believe someone can say they are not a Christian and still be one. However, Peter did deny Christ three times and Peter was still a Christian and I am 100% sure he went to heaven. So I like your yes and no answer. The third, it didn't really seem like you answered the question. The man is not considered Jewish if he marries a Jewish woman. He can convert to Judaism but that isn't what the question asks. Overall, good post.
I believe that If I truly believed in something then I would protect, honor, and fight to keep it.
Sorry Alex, it wasn't bad missing school lol
I really agree with you Donnie and I think that if you really have faith in something you should show it but that's just my opinion.
i agree with what everyone else said are you really a christian if your hiding it you shouldn't have to hide it.
Good Job, Alex-all-alone!!!
Good post the only thing I disagree with is the second question. If your a true Christian you should never hide your faith. That's like denying God from being a part of your life.
If you say you aren't a Christian to cover up, then you are lying... that's all. So you could still be a Christian i think, you are just lying about it. Its what people do.
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