In the world today there are so many things happening that God isn't able to help everyone at once. He does have the power to help people when they need it, but some things just happen for a reason. If nothing in the world was happening wouldn't it just be weird? How could God possibly punish the Jews? It's not like God told the Nazis to attack the Jews. They made the choice to take them down and they can't blame everything on their God. The way they are suffering does seem to play a role on how they keep believing in God and faith. They keep blaming everything on God and that makes them loose faith every time they talk about it. When they are doing the trial they keep saying bad things about God. If they keep bashing him then how do they still have faith in him? They say over and over that God is punishing them. God is powerful, but how can he help everyone in the world? Like we said before, he does have the power to help everyone, but some things happen and he can't control everything. There are things that happen and he can't help everyone at once. It seems like everyone thinks that God can fix everything. He can't, you have to do things for yourself sometimes and he will always be there for you but there are times he can't be. He is always there in faith . Judaism is both a religion and a race. It was said that Judaism is a religion by how they live and how they act, but its also a race because of "anti-discrimination" laws. The Jews were determined to be Jews by their background such as your grandparents, and what they believed in. They required paper work to be listed at Jews in each city they lived in.
McCool Group- Shelby E., Mike M., Scott B., Nikki W.
I do not agree with your post, but this lesson was all an opinion. You have your ideas and i have mine. I do believe God is always there for me, and everyone else. He can help everyone at once. Not everything can be always good, you're right, but he is there helping you through it no matter what, where, or when the sitution is. Just because everything doesn't go in the perfect way that you want doesn't mean he is not there with you. He always will love and protect you. Other than that you explained your point strongly and did a good job on your opinion. Good job.
I do agree with you Katrinalogan, I believe God is with me all the time through everything. Hes there to help people whenever they need it, but at times he cant help everyone. Maybe we came out to strong when we kept saying that God cant fix everything.
no you didn't come out strong at all, that could be your guys opinion and it was good. We all disagree on things [:
I really do like your post. The thing that i like the best is how your group started out the answer. For example the beginning is 'In the world today there are so many things happening that God isn't able to help everyone at once." I think that is a very powerful statement but that's what i think anyway I really did like your post.
Nice discussion ladies.
I agree that god cant always fix everything, that you should do more to fix your own situation. Even though god can't always be there your right he is always there in your faith. Good job keep it up.
I really like how you guys answered the questions but got right to the point. Nice blog.
Thanks Mr. Neuburger [:
I like how you defend your positions. Nice blog. You answered the questions how you felt. I like that.
I don't agree completely with your post, but i like what you wrote about the men who were holding the trial on the movie and their faith. But, like katrina said, i believe God can be there everywhere, all the time. That's why he is God. You answered the questions nicely and got straight to the point, nice job!
I agree with shelby e that God is with me all the time through thick or thin, even though its hard to remember him when things are going good. But i know that He is allways there nomatter when ever we need him. Keep up the good work.
OK i think that God can and will help everyone he isnt just going to pick one person and not the rest. God in my eyes is always there for me and everyone ekse in the worild. But i understand thta this is your opinion and you hav e your right to have ith i just cant agree.
Good post. I disagree because I think that God can do anything at anytime. I believe He could have stopped the Nazis easily but chose not to for a reason that is impossible for me to understand. God has his ways and I just trust Him in whatever He does.
Good point on being Jewish by both race and religion. Also, I like how you point out that it was the Nazis decision to persecute the Jews instead of God sending them to do it.
I agree with you when you say that somethings just happen for a reason. I think that God chooses for things to happen that might not make you happy, but if you stick with Him then you will get something great in return. Good job on your post. Very good supporting details to your answers.
I know Sam. I think that God is always there for me and everyone else in the world, but at times how can he help everyone for every little thing? I do see where your coming from, but thats just how the group felt about that. We all have our own opinions and I do agree with yours also.
I don't agree with your post but I like how you try and defend your opinion. God can take care of everyone at the exact same time if he wanted to, but your not a puppet on strings that he is guiding your every move. He gives the oppurtunity to help yourselves and make your own decisions. God never puts you through something you can't handle. Its just the fact of the matter if you believe enough in him to make it through or not. You have to have total faith in him that he will help you through anything and everything and I believe that he will always be there, standing by your side for when you fall, he will stick out his hands and catch you.
I like your post and everyone has their own opinions. Opinions need to be respected and not argued over. Good Job!
God is all powerful. He can be and is everywhere all the time. Nothing is beyond His power. Agree with Katrina, Sam, and Shelby E. He's always there, always watching, always loving.
I disagree. God is able to help everyone at all times. He is all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing. Yes, things do happen for a reason, but those reasons are Gods reasons. We don't know why he does what he does, we will never know. He is smarter than us and he has a plan for us. He is always there to help but sometimes he helps us in ways that we didn't expect and that we don't understand. God loves us and would not do anything to intentionally harm us, he is just patiently waiting for us to realize that he is there and for us to love him back.
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