Wiesel probably couldnt't block out all that happened. The Holocaust was more than likely the biggest thing that happened in Elie's life. He was able to describe the happenings of the Holocaust in such detail because he remembered it vividly. The horrible things he saw and went through were unforgetable- no matter how much a person tried to forget them. Also, he may have wanted to write the book in such detail to really let the reader know how surviving the Holocaust was like. We think it is incredibly important for Holocaust survivors to share their stories. It is important for people to know what the Jews went through. The Holocaust is a very important event in history that people need to be educated about.
amazing post group [:
i love our names
I really agree with your post. If he remembered everything so "vividly" how could he possibly forget it? I also agree with you when you guys said he might have wanted to write his book in such great detail to let the readers know what it was like surviving the Holocaust. I think people understand more about the Holocaust reading this book because of all the detail he put into it. Good Job.
I really like your picture! I like your post. It is really good. In the end you have that it is important for the world to know about this unforgetable event in history, which I agree with that. It is important to know history. It can repeat itself. I like how you stated why he is able to describe the events he went through. Very good post!
Nice post. It was in great detail in his book of the events that went on. Also to let the world know that there were survivors and what it was like to survive it. Good post!
I think your group is right and people that have survived the Holocaust needs to share their stories even though they may not want to but it would let everyone know what they had to go through. I thought that your post was very detailed and very good.
Great post. I liked your pic it went along with your post perfect. I liked how in your post you went into great detail. I also agree with your that the world needs to be educated about the Holocaust.
I agree with you. But just not the Jews need to tell the stories. What about the unknown? Everyone who was involved needs to open up and tell their stories. How they survived and made it through hell. Yes, it's important to know what the Jews went through. But the Gypsies, handicap, homosexuals, and others need to open their hearts to the world as well. Good Post! :)
Well I guess I have to say good post you explained your point, what you had to say, and made a good point.
uhm you don't have to agree with us Wade if you don't want to.
By the way I really must say I love your picture! It makes me sad/I don't know...Still good job!
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