Keeping your pain bottled inside can make you look like a hairy woodland creature.
People who have lived through some great trauma in their life, especially at a young age, tend to let those memories sink deep inside and not talk about it. Keeping pain inside lets it fester like an open wound surrounded by infection. It will just sit inside and eat at the person until it begins to kill them. The pain is always there with everything they do and they can never truly be happy because they are never at peace. Talking about their pain is a very hard thing to do, but it will let all of the negativity out of them. If they can use their pain to help others then they have taken their tragedy and used it as a blessing. That is the key to getting closure from the pain. Without closure the pain will always be there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to come back and haunt them. Elie uses his pain from the Holocaust for the good of other people. If all of the people who suffered in that time just kept it inside and let the world forget, it would probably happen again. You know, history does repeat itself. If he would have held that pain inside for the rest of his life he would have been miserable forever. By getting closure you can move forward in your life and not forget your pain, but use it as strength.
By: E-Dizzle, Chop Suey, Ray-D-Ation, and if ashley was here we'd call her Ashtard :D
Very good post. I love how your writing style! One of my favorite lines was ,"Keeping pain inside just lets it fester like an open wound surrounded by infection." By the way lovin the picture!
Nice picture lol..kinda gross. I like how you compared to holding things inside to having a wound and that was open that was surrounded by infection. He probably would've been even more miserable if he didn't tell his story. Imagine how much pain he is in even though he told his story.
I really like your post. I like many different lines in your post. I like the one Shelby likes and also like "That is the key to getting closure from the pain. Without closure the pain will always be there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to come back to haunt them." and " By getting closure you ccan move forward in your life and not forget your pain, but use it as strength." Both line really are true and very strong. This is the best post I have read so far for this assignment. Very good post! Love the picture too.
I really like some of the different words and statements. Like,"lurking in the shadows." I like the blog overall there were a few parts that I didn't agree with but all in all it was outstanding.
I liked your post. I like how your group went into detail in your answer and also the different word phrases you group used.
I really like your group post. I like the sentence "If they can use their pain to help others then they have taken their tragedy and used it as a blessing." I think its true, they could help us know what went on and like your group said history can repeat. Good Job!!
This is a very detailed post. The other commenters have already picked out the good lines that I liked. Its important to get that information out there so people realize what kind of pain the Jews went through and next time, maybe someone will stand up against the crowd.
Hah I love the caption for your picture.. it's funny. But I agree with you guys. Makes me think that someone in your group must know these things firsthand.
Ha nice picture. Not gonna lie, I'll probably have nightmares. Now to the post. I really liked the detail. You used a lot of comparisons, which was really neat. It makes your post that much more interesting. I agree with you when you say history repeats itself. It does this because people don't fulfill their responsibility, which is ultimately to let the world know what you have witnessed. And that is what Elie did.
I really like your post. The line I liked the most is "Keeping pain inside lets it fester like an open wound surrounded by infection." That line makes the most sense to me. The way that I understand it is if you keep your pain inside then yu will be hurt even more than what you would be if you let it out
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