Today, you need to reconsider the issue of Judaism and whether or not Judaism is a race or a religion. The question was either incorrectly answered in your last post or needed more explanation. I realize there wasn't enough time to really determine the answer. In addition to this, you will have to search the internet for the answer. For those who thought you could tell a Jewish person by looking at them, well, that is just plainly wrong. So, today, you will address these questions:
- How did the Nazis determine if someone was Jewish?
- If a Christian says they are not a Christian, are they still a Christian?
- If a Jewish woman marries a Gentile, is the man considered Jewish?
After working the above problems out in you groups, discuss the following:
Night ends with Elie surviving. What happened to the survivors of the Holocaust? Did they return home? Why or why not? How did the international community help them?
Since the answers of these questions require some research, CITE YOUR SOURCES. Have fun! Mrs. Bethune and I are!!!!
Must be rough to go where ever you want...Is it nice there? I had to scrape my windows this morning just to see out of it. It was extremely cold. Have fun you two and don't miss us too much!! Bethuner, your favorite T.A.'s are missing you sooo....Hurry home! :)
Love you all...yes it's beautiful here, even if I have to sit across the table from Larry, I mean Mr. Neuburger. ha ha
You should all know that we definitely "bragged you up" at a presentation today. We were able to stand up in front of everyone and tell them about this wonderful blog. You can't even imagine how interested in you they are. Please continue with your honesty, emotion, and heart-felt responses. You have inspired not only us, but many, many people. Your words have power and for sharing them, we thank you.
Signing off from San Antonio...
Bethuner :)
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