Why is there so much suffering in the world and what kind of God would allow it to happen?
If God is so powerful, why does He not help His people?
If God is so powerful, why does He not help His people?
God allows this to happen because the Jews along with the people in the rest of the world are wanting this to happen. We don't want God with us at all unless we need something from him. Many people want to see all the glories that God gives without going through the hard times. We tell him to get out of our schools and so he did. We tell him to get out of the workplace and so he did. We keep telling him to get out of anywhere we are and Him being the gentleman He is, He obliged. All of this evil in the world is not because God is there, it is because we are pushing God away from our hearts and bringing this evil upon ourselves. People are choosing Satan over God because it is the easier way to go. Many people actually believe in God but do not follow His commands because they would rather fall into the easier ways of the world. Instead of being persecuted, they would rather take the easy way out, sinning against God. Most people call upon God when they need his help, but after that problem is gone they put Him on the backburner until another problem arises.
Is God punishing the Jews?
Does the punishment fit the crime?
Is their suffering a test of faith?
We do not know whether God is punishing the Jews or if it is a test of faith. Nobody in the world can fathom what God is thinking. If God is punishing the Jews, then the punishment does fit the crime. God is just and has a reason for everything He does, whether or not we like the outcome of the situation. God is a Father so He punishes us for wrongdoing like a father does to his children. Also like a father he tries over and over again to protect us, but like the ignorant people we are, we refuse to listen so we must live with the consequences.
Is Judaism a religion or a race?
How did the Nazis determine who was Jewish and who was not?
Does the punishment fit the crime?
Is their suffering a test of faith?
We do not know whether God is punishing the Jews or if it is a test of faith. Nobody in the world can fathom what God is thinking. If God is punishing the Jews, then the punishment does fit the crime. God is just and has a reason for everything He does, whether or not we like the outcome of the situation. God is a Father so He punishes us for wrongdoing like a father does to his children. Also like a father he tries over and over again to protect us, but like the ignorant people we are, we refuse to listen so we must live with the consequences.
Is Judaism a religion or a race?
How did the Nazis determine who was Jewish and who was not?
Judaism is part of both religion and race. For some people, they live by the Jewish law, and it becomes their life, making it their religion. But for others they chose not to live by the Jewish Rule, therefore making them nothing but a part of the race. The Nazis went by look, location, ancestry.
Blog Posted By: Tyler Abma, Ryan Morris, Jared Andrews.
Great Post. I agree with everything!
This post is very insightful. If you want more hard questions answered, check out the book "Dinner with Skeptics" by Jeff Vines. It is an amzing read and does a very good job answering those tough questions.
Thnx, EZF_CF.
I liked your post it was a thought but the first couple sentances were quite confusing to me, please explain.
The first sentence of your first post doesn't really make sense to me. Do you really think the Jews wanted what happened to them? We took God out of school and the workplace for a good reason: that is simply different people have different beliefs and religions. It would not be fair for us to kind of force our God on someone who is say, Hindi. We have to respect other's beliefs and customs no matter how weird or different they may be to us. Other than that, great post.
I also don't agree with your first few sentences. Why would the Jews want that to happen to them? And the sentence where you said "We don't want God with us at all unless we need something from him." I just don't agree with that. Some people want God with them all the time, but that is just my opinion. But other than that good job
We didn't mean that they wanted it to happen we were just saying the world is asking for bad things to happen by not allowing him anywhere but church and home. We can't say Merry Christmas anymore because it might offend some illegal immigrant somewhere. Why do we have to constantly change for everyone else who wants to come to America. It doesn't make sense to me; the United States of America was founded upon principles of God. Our forefathers believed in God and there are quite a few instances in which God is mentioned in the Constitution.
I have no problem with people coming to America as it is the greatest nation in the world, but why should we change to make other people happy. If people come here they should be changing for us and not the other way around. I'm not saying they should stop practicing their religion and become a Christian to be allowed to come to America, but we should just give people the option of taking part in it. I'm tired of always having to accept new religions such as scientology and stuff like that but not being able to express my own because that would be against the rules.
Sorry bout the rant lol.
I really liked your answer to the first question. I never really thought about it in quite that way. Good job guys.
Good job Mo, Tyler, and Jared. I really like your post a lot. Mo i like the way you explained yourself in your last comment. It was good. [:
I don't agree with the answer to your first question but I like your second and third question. Trust me when I say that nobody wants suffering in this world!
But think about why these people come here. A large percent of the time it is for religious freedom. I know this kind of goes both ways, because you could just as easily say that if we should be able to practice religion freely, then why don't they teach about God in school? But back to the point: Why shouldn't we accept these people and allow them to practice their own religion in this country. This nation was also founded by many different ethnicities. Granted most of them believed in God, but they had different customs. We respected those. It would be wrong of me to say that they all got along and it was just a big party, because it wasn't. But the people were allowed to do things the way they wanted. Why does that seem so wrong today with religion? Its like saying that if they don't believe in our God, they just shouldn't come here or they can just get used to the fact that we are going to things our way whether they like it or not. Its all just a matter of equality and respect. I'm not saying that you are wrong, because I definitely do see where you are coming from.
f God is so powerful, why does He not help His people? Well are the Jews really his people? I agree with you guys almost 100%, but you have said it once. Nobody knows how god works, he works in very strange ways. And as a believer in Christ I don't believe he would do this but maybe he is punishing the Jews. But I really agree with the first paragraph. About how we pretty much use God. It is so true, everyone that says they believe and actually mean it have done that. I am even guilty of it, you go on with life care free and don't speak with God for weeks to months then once something comes along BAM! You expect him to be there. Great paragraph and overall good post.
Natasha. When you said that thats why they took out religion in school for a reason. What if there was a Hindi, probably if you had like say a religious school then maybe they wouldn't go to that school. The question is what about us who don't have the say Hindu belief, for "equality" we have to go to science and listen to the big bang theory and how we evolved and things like that. So doesn't that kind of say that God doesn't exist that the world just sort of came around, that there was no God that made this world. It really kind of bugs me that say in history class we don't learn anything out from the bible. Isn't whats in the bible history? So if there is suppose to be "equality" how come I don't feel that. How come I can learn about what some science teacher says, but they who don't have any proof can teach me this, where as theres the bible and it clearly states on what happened and how. So I am a Christian, I'm not Hindu, but how come I don't get "equality" for my religion?
I don't mind if they are Hindu or whatever other religion. I don't mind if they practice their religion. I don't mind that they come to America to have the freedom of religion. Just don't take away our freedom of religion. It is freedom of religion not freedom from religion.
Lindee you are exactly right. Anyone else can bring in something completely in and call it a theory and we have to accept it and learn it all the time. Why can't we learn from the Bible which has never been proved wrong and never contradicts itself? I will just never really be happy unless God is brought back into all the places where He has been banned but I realize this has almost zero chance of happening. So I'm just going to have to continue accepting everything that the world comes up with while they keep pushing my religion farther and farther back behind everything else.
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