Why is there so much suffering in the world and what kind of God would allow it to happen? If God is so powerful, why does He not help His people?
This is a really difficult question. Its not as if God wants his people to suffer. I think this is where people's free will comes into play. Because people are allowed to do whatever they want, we may not do or think the right things. And, because of this, humans don't always think of what is best for others as a result. Since God granted free will, people take advantage of that. I think this also ties into the last question.(that is why i added it at the top where the question is stated.) In a sense, it is kind of the same question. Anyway, God is always there. All a person has to do is reach out to Him, and He will be there. He will help those who call on Him. It pains God to see His people suffering. But, people have a choice on how they act and how they react to things.
Is God punishing the Jews?
I don't think God was necessarily punishing the Jews. Nor is it our place to determine if it was punishment or not. God does things in the ways that he does for them a reason, and we as humans may never understand why. I do believe that it was a divine test of faith, however. Any one going through those circumstances would experience some strain on whatever it is they believed in. Also, i don't think that God punishes people. I believe that God presents consequences for people's actions and tests them, but does not punish.
Is their suffering a test of faith?
Yes. Being in the conditions that the Jews were in during the Holocaust is probably the biggest test of faith a person could experience. A person's true colors would show in times like those. It is really easy to go through the motions and act like you are spiritual and following God. It is in really difficult times that faith becomes even more a necessity than an ordinary, everyday thing. To those whose faith had grown, it had probably became more needed to live. When you are on your deathbed, like the Jews were, you either become more faith-filled or you lose all faith and trust in God's plan. Faith played a big role in the Jews' suffering.
By: Elizabeth-all-by-herself
Way to go!!
I agree with your post. I dont think that he was trying to punish them but they were testing them and seeing if they still or do have faith in him or just faith in anything. good job
I like how you said that all you had to do was reach out to God. It is true because He is always there. All you have to do is talk and listen. I also like how you said that God does not want to watch His children suffer. If it was he test do you think that it would have lasted that long and so many children of His would have died? I don't know... It is not my place to question God. Everything that happens... happens for a reason... Your last sentence says it all. Good Post! :)
Its true that you can go through the motions, go to church, put offering in the plate, but do you just do that to say your a christian to go through to motions. Their is something that you have to do, have faith. When your saying those Bible verses are they just lip synced or do you mean it, do you believe? So it was a test, some Jews might of thought they had strong faith, but when you question God do you have faith? Do you believe? It was a test of those who just went through the motions, and those who said the verses from their heart.
Great post especially all by your self.
i agree with your post. I agree when you said that God don't want to hurt his people. I agree with your answer to number two and number three.
Great job. even if you were all by yourself your did an excellent job. keep up the good work.
good job Webbbbbby [:
This was a really good post! I really liked your answer to question 2 I liked how you said it was a "Divine test of faith." I completely agree with your post.
I agree with most of your post, but in the beginning when you are saying that it might not necessarily be punishment, just a test, why would He choose JUST the Jews? I think if He were really just wanting to test a certain group why would He pick the Jews? It doesn't really make sense, they hadn't done anything worse than any other group or religion that I know of. Other than that, good post.
i agree 100% with your guys blog i think you guys did a really good job and have a lot of the same beliefs that i do on this subject.... :) Great Job
Good post I agree with your answers i think that it was a test of there faith in god to see if they still believe in him. Butt I also don't think that that he attended for it to turn out like that.
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