Jews were determined by their backgrounds. They were traced all the way back to their grand parents and great grand parents. They were required to hand in paper work when the Nazis came to each town. They had to prove they were Aryan all the way back to 1750. It was said that later on the Jews were determined by their isolation in the ghettos.
It depends, if you say they you not a Christian there has to be a reason to why they would say something like that. Anyone can say they are or their not a Christian. Only God really knows if that person is truly a Christian or not. Being a Christian is your choice and your choice only. In our eyes to be Christian you should believe in God and practice the faith. The "Torah" forbids a Jewish man to marry a Gentile woman, and if he does, his children will not be Jewish. If the women is Jewish and she marries a Gentile man her children with be Jewish. Some of the survivors probably didn't even have homes to go back to anymore. Some might have went back but all of them didn't. In a way it probably did help them get stronger. After everything they were put through wouldn't that make you stronger as a person? We think if we were in their shoes it would be very hard to get over what we went through, but in the end you realize you made it and that has to make you a little bit stronger.
McCool Group- Shelby E., Nikki W., Scott B., Mike M.
I liked your answer to the first question. I didn't know that they traced the lineage back that far. It was a very informative answer. Good post.
Good post. Its really messed up that a Jewish man can't marry a gentile but that a Jewish woman can. How is that fair? I have relatives that cannot marry outside their religion, its just a weird concept to me.
Great job. your post was really good you were very informative with your answers. keep up the good work.
Good job. Your post was really good. You put a lot of information in your answers that were really good. In your first answer where you put that they traced them all the way back to the 1750 that was a great thing to put in there.
Great post! You answered the question very well, alot of information. Overall just a great post.
I strongly agree with this post. I really liked how you said that God is the one who truly knows if you're a christian or not. You guys truly went into depth with this post. Great job!
Number one was good, I completely agree. On number two, if your a servant of Christ than you would never denounce him. The bible says to fear nothing for after death because if you truly are a Christian than you will go to a much better place, HEAVEN. But God is not the only person who knows if you are a Christian or not, you know as well what you believe in and how your relationship is with Christ. The rest of the post was good.!
On number one I agree with that. But I definitely think it was unfair because if they did not practice being Jewish they should not be considered Jewish. On the rest of it I totally agree with you and it is exactly what I looked up and found on the internet.
EndZoneFreenzy_CardinalFootball, I agree with what you said. We should have clarified it more when we said God is the only one who knows if a person is truly a Christian or not. That person also knows if they are really a Christian or if they really believe in God.
I really liked what your group had to say about how people know if someone is Jewish but that is determined by their backgrounds. That was a great thing to say but hat is just my opinion.
Good job I liked how you got into intense detail.
i agree if they don't follow the jewish religion then they really shouldn't be considered a jew.
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