Throughout the memoir, Wiesel describes his experiences in realistic and intimate detail. He uses his words to paint a vivid picture of the hell that was the Holocaust. How is he able to do this? Don't people normally block "the bad things" from their memory in an attempt to overcome the pain? How is Wiesel able to portray such a realistic story of something that occurred in his past?
Also, is it important that survivors tell their stories? Why? (Wiesel has his opinion about this issue, but what is your opinion?)
We think that he was able to tell us his story about the holocaust because that was the biggest thing that happened in his life, and history. So much terror, so much fear, its probably really hard to forget all of the events that happened. That’s why he was able to remember everything. Most people would normally block “the bad things”, but this is something you can’t block out. For two reasons. One, it was probably really hard to block something that took two or three years out of your life. And two, you can’t block something like that out, because you don’t want people to forget. If people would forget, then something like this could happen again, and this should never happen again, it shouldn’t of happened in the first place. But it did, and it’s all up to the people who did go through it to get the message across to everyone else so that this will never happen again.
McCool Group:
Jackie M, Alex S, Shane L, Jackie G
I really like how support your answers.Ya I agree that all those images were forever burned into his mind.
Good job! You answer was really good and had a lot of supporting details. I really liked the part where you said that it is the peoples job to get the message across so something like the Holocaust does not happen again. I agree with you on that.
I agree. Also reason he can talk about it maybe because it helps him. Maybe it relieves stress, and in a round about way little by little forgive the nazi's. Good post.
I agree with you answers completely. If we forget the past it is more likely to repeat itself. I agree that you would never be able to forget these things no matter how hard you tried.
Good job pointing out that it took 2 or 3 years out of his life so it would be hard to block it out. Good post. Nice supporting details.
Great job. I completely agree. I strongly agree with you on the part where you said you can't block something like that out, because you don't want people to forget. I liked that. Good post.
Very good! i agree that what happened will forever be burned into his mind. Also the way he copes with it is to talk about what happened. Keep up the good work!
Good post. In addition to your post, I think that people try to block the bad things out of their life but that doesn't mean they forget them. If something as huge as this happened to you, I think it would be almost impossible to forget. I think that people just choose to not tell because of all the hurt and anger it will bring back. But like you said, something like that should be told so that it can be made sure to never happen again. ;) Nice job!!
I agree with you. It would be extremely hard to block out something that was so traumatic and such a big part of his life. Nor do I believe that it should necessarily be blocked out because, like you said, it's something that needs to be remembered to insure that nothing that horrible happens again, and it also needs to be remembered as a way to honor all of those who died. Good job guys.
I agree with people need to tell the story so that maybe this will never happen again. But i can see people trying to block something so bad out of their mind but i dont think they would ever forget it. Good post!
I really liked your two reasons for not forgetting. It was such a long period of time, so it would be hard to forget, and you can't forget because you don't want other people to forget. Nice job.
I like how you said it shouldn't have happened in the first place. I mean when I read about the holocaust or hear stories about the war I think to myself, how can anyone just stand by while an entire race is being annihilated? Its hard to imagine something like that happening.
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