How could he forget the horrific things that happened in his life? This time in his life was something so big. He was taken away from his mother and sister. It would be hard for someone to forget something like that. No matter how hard he tries to block it out it would still be in his mind. He might be able to forget some things at certain times but being able to block it all out would be almost impossible. If we were his age going through this watching people die almost every day how could you ever forget that? In his mind everything is so vivid, everything is there and he cant forget it. So many different things happened when he was there. He seen people die, he barely got to eat, hardly any clothes on his back, was treated badly, and so many more things. Even though he was only fourteen at the time the things in his mind will be unforgettable. If something like that was to happen in our lives we would never forget it. How could you?
The survivors should tell their stories to tell people what happened during that time and tell the people what happened to them. They could tell the people their experience during that time and if it was going on at the time. It's always interesting to hear from a person who survived other than stories from people who weren't there.
McCool Group- Shelby E., Nikki W., Scott B., Mike M.
This may seem random but, I wonder if he has good days and bad days, like if he deals with depression or if he goes through his life fine.
Good post. I like how you ended the first question. It really make you think. I agree with your last sentence. If someone told me in person what happened during their time in this hell I would be completely changed. Donnie, I wonder the same thing. Maybe on a certain date they lost a loved one and every year on that same date they are depressed. But maybe not... Maybe they act like they are fine in order to just hide the pain... to get in burried deeper in their soul.
I like how you ended your second question, you said its more interesting to hear it from a person who was there rather than somebody who was not. If you hear the story from somebody who wasn't chances are that not all of what they tell you is true, but if you hear it from somebody who witnessed it, breathed it, thats worth listening to.
Good question Donnie P. Maybe after he lost so many important people in his life, and saw so many people die he learned to block out the pain...or maybe he mourns for his loved ones everyday. By the way good post and good job on being thorough with your answer!
I like what Donnie said, could you even have a good day or bad day or are they all just bad days being in a camp. But any great post.
I like both of your answers. The way you ended both of them was really good. The first one really makes you think, what would you do, if you actually were there. Would you tell your story, or just keep it in, just to keep the memories away. Maybe to some, everytime you brought it up, it would be like a bad dream in your head, or maybe talking about it would help relieve the pain. We never will really know becayse we weren't there. But great post!! [:
Good post. I cant believe he doesn't have bad days. I mean he may have learned to live with it by now but how do you lose that pain and not feel bad every time you think about it?
Good job. I agree completely, there's no way I would be able to forget any of the details if it had happened to me. I don't think anybody would be able to, no matter how old they are, there would just be no way to forget those things. Good post.
I agree I dont think he could ever forget the hell he went through. Maybe he might forget little detailes but not the main things. Your last statement was very good I think people soud tell about the awfull things that went on so we have a better understanding. Great job!!!!!!
Great job. This post seemed similar to the last one I read. Which was a great post also. I agree with you guys. I know that if that was me I wouldn't be able to forget.
I think survivors should tell their stories too. It shows other people the truth and in the process helps each person become a little braver. I think courage is something earned, after you have had to fight for it, and Elie shows other people how to fight for courage in his book. Its very noble to use your tragedies to help another person be able to get through theirs.
Your question at the end of your first answer was really good. No one that lived through events like the Holocaust could evr forget these memories. It is something that is burned into them, it becomes a part of them. Going through something like this could change the person who you are before you have those memories. Good post.
Great job and your right there is now way you can forget all those things that happened, there's just no way. Also yes people who survived through that should tell their story so that we can fully grasp an understanding of what really went on, so that we can prevent something like this to ever happen again.
Great post! I think that the survivors need to tell there stories for several reasons. For us to understand the hell that they went through and second to help them deal with it and so that they can not hide anything that constantly eats them up with fear.
I really like this post! It's like you guys stole the words right out of my head! ;) On the part where you said, "He might be able to forget some things at certain times but being able to block it all out would be impossible", I totally agree with you. I also feel that something this huge that has happened for a great amount of time in your life cannot be forgotten. No matter how bad you might want it to go away, it always remains and all you can do is tell about it.
I agree, it would be a completely unforgettable experience. Most people, though, would be so horrified by the experience they might want to forget all about it. Most people would never be able to get over their feeling enough to be able to write a book about it. That is why I think Elie Wiesel is one of the strong ones who can forgive but never forget.
Good post. People cannot really realize how hard it must be to deal with things of this horrific event. I like the way that Elie deals with it. He still has his memories, but he shares his experiences throughout his book. In some round about way I think that this helps Elie. It helps him relieve stress, and maybe begin to forgive the nazi's.
Good post. I agree with you. It would be nearly impossible if not impossible for me to block something like that out if I were in his shoes. The Holocaust isn't something one can just forget about.
Good job. "He might be able to forget some things at certain times but being able to block it all out would be almost impossible." That is true because there is no way he could block out everything that happened. That is like trying to tell someone to forget 3 years of your childhood which you remember so vividly. Good post.
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