Once someone in your family was a Jew, even if you didn’t believe, you were still a Jew. They also were prejudice, if you didn’t have blond hair and blue eyes they usually thought that you were Jewish. Abandoned, even if say your Jewish religion was abandoned, say your parents were Jewish, but you didn’t want to, well when it came down to it you were still considered a Jew. Even if you didn’t breath the Jewish life, breath the faith they did, you still lived with the Jewish life. You couldn’t run away from it, you couldn’t hide from it, if one of your parents were a Jew, you were one to. So to determine if they were a Jew, if your parents lived the religion or if your grandparents followed it, they put you as a Jew, they put you down as different.
To say that you aren’t a Christian, is to be scared of his power. If you were once a Christian and then when life is down we kind of just kick him to the curb. He never gives up on us, so why should we have room to? We think that if you were a Christian and then you give up, then it’s kind of a no. If you don’t want God in your life then you deny him. They abandoned him, even though he still accepts them, they gave up, why wait? Once faith is abandoned, life is done, there’s no one to praise no one to thank. So are you still a Christian if you don’t believe?
The torah forbids a Jewish woman to marry a gentile man, but if they do if they have children they are still Jewish. Now if a man marries a gentile woman and they have children they will not be Jewish.
Survivors, when life ends from a sight of hell, life stays in shock. It became a blur. Many of the survivors were homeless, wondering of where to go. They didn’t want to return to that part of home where families were taken property was lost and life ended. Who would want to return to the start of death?
Home, when home is where life ended, they didn’t want to return. It was what was left of a terrible memory. They didn’t want to return to where life was taken over by men who saw themselves as God, where hell became visible, where children were dogs. Where reality didn’t seem real, where it was so real that they could touch it. They didn’t want to touch that part of death anymore though, who would want to return to their grave that took everything?
The international community opened their arms to those children who didn’t want to look at soup, didn’t want to breath death anymore. They took in the Jews like orphans, they cared. In a way it was like a hug from God saying, that he cares and he always will.
McCool Group: Andrea, Lindee, Kyle, Brady
Resources: http://www.beingjewish.com
Good job. I really like your answer to the question about Christianity. I totally agree with you. Nice job.
I totally agree with your post and I think you did an excellent job. Everything I read was correct to what I found on the internet also.
Good post. Its very in depth. I really liked what you guys said.
Your were very detailed in your answers. Everything you wrote is what i found on the internet. I also agree with your answer about Christianity. Keep up the good work.
Great post! You put alot of detail into it, and you answered the christan question very well. Awesome post!!
Your post was a little confusing because there was a lot of details that could have been left out. But it is your post so you can put what you want on it. Other than that it was really good and you put a lot of supporting details.
I really agree with your post. You guys really spoke to me. You showed a lot of emotion through your writing. Good job!
Your post seemed confusing and off topic a little bit. But at least you supported your answers with detail.
Good post. Everything was clear. I really like how you answered the Christianity question. Great Job. Great Post!!!
Great details. I thought you did a good job supporting your answers. I really like your answer to number two. Good points in your answer. Your last three answers were all good. I agree with all of them. Great post.
Whitney and Constance, what parts were confusing to you?.. we could try to clear them up for you..
Well we were suppose to answer the question, in which I feel we did, isn't okay to have a little detail. I'm confused because some said it was very clear and then a couple say it was confusing...So if we supported our detail.....what ones were confusing.
So I deleted what I think didn't need to be in there...I agree with that one part so yes I deleted it...:)
Lindee, I think they were confused a bit because the way you worded the post. I also had to stop and think about what you were saying or trying to say. However, I think you have it fixed now. I enjoyed reading your post.
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