Buna is a good camp because it isn’t as bad as other camps. The inmates have more freedoms. Others consisted of watching life itself burn away, lives fade away, faith gone away. It may have been a good camp but that doesn’t mean it was heaven. It was just a better side of hell. When they heard the words better camp, their ears heard hope. There was more to live for, there was life to fight for.
The women who hid her speech, hid her faith, hid her identity. Hid all of that which was herself to survive. To go back home was to be sent to death. If she went back to her house there would be questions about who she was. It was risky for her to talk to Elie in German, if someone would have heard her. Her life would no longer be lived. It would be gone like the rest of the Jews.
It took so long because it was a group of people walking without any food or water. Without out basic nutrients your body slows down. Add the cold and it seems even slower. The sub camps made it longer to travel. It was about 6 miles. With the over amount of people that had to walk made it longer. The fact that the travel took a long time to walk, prisoners probably wanted it to take a long time, it meant that their life was lived for four hours longer. They could have hope for that much longer, life for a little more time. Six miles gave life, four hours took life.
Lindee, Kyle, Brady, Andrea
(McCool Group)
I like how you said it was just a better side of hell, I do believe it was true
I liked your answers and thought that you did a good job on them because you voiced your opinions and went deeper with feelings than some of your other classmates.Good Job.
I agree with you guys. All the jews wanted was to live. Buna was a much better place to go, even though it wasn't a "good" camp, it was much better and a better chance of survival there. Good job.
Yes, Buna was a much better camp, and at this time it probably seemed like a good camp compared to things they had to endure before. Good post! Keep up the good work.
You guys did a very good job there was a lot of detail in your answers. And i do agree all the jews wanted to do is live. So buna was a much better place. Excellent job best answers yet keep up the good work :)
Good post! :] I agree with everything you said. Buna was definitely a better place because they had a better chance of surviving there. Keep it up!
I agree with your answer to number two; that she hid all that she was just so she could survive. I also like how you said that the prisoners wanted it to take a long time to get to the other camp. I never really thought about it from the aspect that the longer it took to get there, the more time they had alive. Good job.
I agree with you about one and three but I think you guys might have not got what question two was asking. It was about why she got the fake papers to leave France not to go back there. But if it was about going back to France you had a good answer for it. I do like how you said she risked her life by talking to him in German. Good job.
I totally agree with when you said all the Jews wanted was to live. Buna was a better place for the Jews because they had a better chance to live there. Good job i like and agree with your answers.
good post... I do believe that all the Jews wanted was to live and that is why Buna was so much better of a place to be
I really like your answers. I like your detail in one and three. I agree with how she hid everything in number two but I dont feel you answered why she hid everything.
You guys did an amazing job :) i really agreed with everything you guys said. you put just enough detail and everything... Great Job
Even though they were going to Buna Josh doesn't mean they were going to be 100% free from dying. They still had to work their butts off, if they weren't strong enough they weren't going to survive. Don't forget that buddy [:
On question number two we were just saying that she was scared to show her identity and that if she did she would've died. Because it was true if she would've been found out then she would've died.
I am absolutely in love with your style of writing. You guys just make everything so detailed and place every word like thats exactly where its supposed to be. I have noticed this a lot with this group. Nice job and keep it up. But with number three the book explains that the German officers were in no hurry to get where they were going so they stopped frequently in towns along the way to flirt with the German girls.
Yes very good first questions! The way that you said that it was a better side of hell was very good. But the last could of been a possibility but it also said that they were all relaxed going up there. but keep up the good work!
I really like your answer to #1. Good point on "when they heard the words better camp, their ears heard hope."
On #2 good job saying why she could not go home, but why would she go into a camp to work. She could have tried to hide anywhere so why did she choose Buna?
Nice answer to #3. I liked how you said the longer they walked, the longer they lived.
Your guys post is pretty good. Although on your first answer I don't think you kind of went around the question that was asked. It asks you to compare and contrast Birkenau and Buna. Birkenau was a concentration camp where you knew you were probably going to die whereas Buna was more of a work camp where as long as you could work you would remain alive. Although, at Buna, they worked you so hard that you were likely to become weak and either give up on your own will, or become to weak to work and they killed you themselves. So either way, you were not safe, no matter which camp you were in. Its a lose lose situation. However, being in Buna and hearing that it was a work camp probably gave the Jews a new hope for survival because the main point of being in that camp wasn't just for extermination, but to work. They probably did like it better because they found their peace there knowing they were there to work and were not garunteed death.
We answered the first question how we took it in. We said that it was the better side of hell. We put feelings that we thought that Jews would truly have into it. We answer the questions how we take them in.
In our post we did state that it was not heaven we said it was a better side of hell. Does that sound like a guaranteed life....no. We didn't say they were automatically going to live forever. We just meant that it was better than being at Birkenau, we didn't mean that Buna was the best place to be, but it was better than Birkenau.....so we did answer the first question it was in our opinion and ya
Thank you Brotha
I don't want to get in trouble for putting a "fluffy" post.... but I really did like your post. Your style of writing makes it fun to read your posts, its not just another okay let's go read this one and see what they have to say. You actually make it interesting. So I really like your post.
Thanks Tasha... I like reading your post to. It very interesting... "fluffy" post I know...
Thanks Natasha, we kind of use different style, to make it more interesting. Instead of writing about what happened and go on and on about it, I feel that we kind of make it so then people understand it more, or something, I don't know.
Okay, I read your answer to # 3 and I liked it! Your last sentence, "six miles gave life, four hours took life," AMAZING! You guys couldn't of said it a better way! I think that sentence said it all. No joke!
Well my Jackie T.A. buddy thanks :)
The only thing I don't completely agree with is that the Jews wanted the march to take long. Every minute they marched they got weaker and closer to death. The people who survived the marches were abandoned at different places and they were the survivors who were saved. But I really liked the line "It was just the better side of hell." That's the perfect way to describe it.
Your welcome and I reread it again because I just love this post, and I also have to add that it was the closes think to "hell." That sentence was a strong statement and I would state strong with it! Love ya T.A. buddy!:)
Nice discussion!!
ya but shelby if they wanted to live the march let them live, except there still was that chance of death, but working in the camp made them weak to. I think I'd rather walk then work, but thats just me. In our opinion walking was life for a little longer.
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