Friday, November 21, 2008

answers to questions

One way the Nazis determined if you were a Jew is if people had brown hair and brown eyes and where they lived. If they lived in a Jewish community then they where considered a Jew. Also, by their background like if they where born a Jew or had Jewish ancestors. If they converted to the Jewish religion they where taken to be a Jew.

No, because you can choose to be a Christian or not. It isn't something your born into like being a Jew or Catholic.

No he is not because the Torah says the only way the man can become Jewish is if he converts, he cannot marry a Jewish woman to become Jewish.

Some Holocaust survivors returned home and others did not. Some didn't even have a home to go to anymore. Many Jews went to "Displaced Persons Camps" which became their new home. Also, many Jews moved to Great Britain, France, Canada, and America to start a new beginning. The international community helped them by opening their borders and allowing them to move to their country. (

By:E-Dizzle, Chop Suey, and Ray-D-Ation, Ashtard


Andrea said...

Good post! But the only thing that I don't agree on is being born a Christian. I am a Christian and I believe that I was born one. But I am not saying that you are wrong. You can have your own opinion. Its just my opinion is different. Other than that good post... maybe put a picture with it thou....

Lindee said...

Good job! Your answers were very like educated like I mean I could tell that you guys looked up some information to make your piece knowledgable good! The thing is on the christian part add more to just about if your a christian or not...christianity is a very touchy just say yes or no....add more :) Good job though

Shelby E. said...

Good job on your post. There were somethings I must have missed when I looked up the first question. Like I didn't know about the brown hair and brown eyes part. And I agree with Lindee, you need to add a little more to the Christian question, but other that that good post.

Mrs. Bethune said...

Like, wow Lindee. :)

Lindee said...

Like Omigosh ya there was that turn that only had a right turn...ya you took you other right! Like not cool!:)

Mrs. Bethune said...

ha ha

***SHANO THE DRAINO*** said...

Good post i agree with your post. You went into detail and back your answers up. Your group put a lot of thought into it nice job

Scott said...

Good job!! I liked your post i thought it was good i like how it was short and just had the basic facts. You said what you needed to and ended it good job.