1) He was in complete shock. He was scared. Thoughts of why was my mother saying these things? There’s nothing there. Even to see her son act this way was hard for Jews to watch, usually the mothers are suppose to calm the children. He shut out the fear, the world, and the pain, just stood there at the side of his mother comforting her.
2) They treated her as a crazy person. They didn’t listen to the words she was screaming, fire, fire. The first time it was believable the later times it was just a situation that they didn’t want to listen to. Every time fire was screamed it was like they would some how believe her each time. The thing is they didn’t want to believe her, they didn’t want to believe that the fate ahead of them would possibly burning a slow death that they didn’t see coming. They could’ve actually tried to stand up to Germans if they wanted to survive. If they would’ve believed her maybe, just maybe they could’ve escaped from life in death. They could’ve gotten away from the smell of burning flesh, the witnessing of family killed, their faith burned in the very fire that killed many people. They possibly could’ve….escaped from hell.
Lindee, Brady, Kyle, Andrea
(McCool Group)

Good post. But on question number 1
believe that toward the end he was probably a little relieved that his mother shut up. Other than that good job!
I really liked your responses. Good job in explaining your feelings on how you thought the boy felt.
Very good post!! Reading this just made you stop and think what would you've done in there shoes? Also how would you have done it? These are some of the questions that make you stop and think. When righting these statements helps you have a better handle on the subjects of the hardships for them to come.
Also just one thing to think about. What would you do stuffed in a cattle car with a woman who is insane?
I believe your right that the boy was in shock of seeing his mother go crazy like that. he was just trying to help her out but she wouldn't listen or even stop for her son. so your on the right track. I think that your on the right track with your answer for number 2. she keeped screaming and the jews would listen everytime but i think it was more out of being scared. they looked just to reassure them selves. though even if they did listen i think that their fates were inevitable, that here was no escaping it was to late to do that now.
I think that you're right when you say that the boy was in shock with seeing his mother being beaten and that he did all that he could by just standing there trying to comfort her. I agree that if they would have believed her then maybe they would have been ready for what was coming and been able to save themselves. Good job.
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