Things would have been alot different for the Jews if they would have listened to Moishe. If the Jews had listened, they could have fled the city, and possibly gotten away before the soliders invaded. The Jews did not believe Moishe when he warned the Jews of what was coming because they still had hope that the war would end before deportation. Also, many didn't believe him because they believed Moishe was bec
oming crazy.
Published by: Elizabeth, Taylor, Samantha H, Samantha G, and Katrina
They should have believed Moishe because he was really telling the truth. He came back to warn Elie and the people but all they did was ignore him because they thought he was going crazy and they simply didn't want to believe the things he was saying. Just think if they would've believed him they could've had a chance to leave and get out but they chose not to. I do agree with all the things you guys wrote but it there were so many more things going on to. You didn't really get into detail with why they didn't believe him. He came back and told stories about what was happening and you didn't write much about that.
Thats true that the outcome could have been different if the Jews would have listened to Moishe. So how did they have hope, what hope was there to hold on to? There was hope, because they didn't know what was going on. So people may have thought he was crazy, but I don't think they did they just didn't want to listen to him so they used every excuse that it wasn't true. Maybe add more, because there was more that took place in chapter one.
I agree but my question is if you were Elie why wouldn't you believe him? In the book, No one was embarrassed by Moishe the Beadle. They didn't think he was crazy. They just simply didn't want to believe him. It is like bad news that you hear and don't want to believe.
I think you are right. The outcome could have been way different. But, I don't necessarily believe that it would not have happened at all. But still, I do agree with you.
I agree with you. They should of believed Moshe because he was right. He came back to warn the other people but everyone ignored him. If they did believe him they would have had time to flee and get out of there
Yeah Moshe was right and they should have believed him but even when the Hungarian police came they still didn't believe a word he said. You think that when they arrived, just maybe they would have been like well thiers people intruding here, maybe he was right.
I completely agree with you. If they would have believed him, and that they might have been able to get out but who knows what would happen even if they did listen to him. If you put yourself in their position would you have wanted to believe him either because I wouldn't of. There was a lot of other reasons that they didn't believe him and I don't think that you guys really went into detail with it or showed how you really felt about it. I do agree with you though they should've listened to him but whose to say that some of them didn't believe in him?
I agree with you i think that it could of been allot different for the Jews in the city but the over all out come i think would have been the same they would have caught them some how.
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