1. In Auschwitz Jews went through a process. Describe the first 48 hours for Jews once the doors opened to the cattle cars. Describe what is lost or gained with each significant event.
When the Jews first got off of the train they had to leave every little piece of home and the life they once knew behind. Every little trinket that may have given them a little hope was stripped from them. Then they were marched to the barracks and were forced to strip and were only allowed to keep only their shoes and belt , ”For us, this was true equality: nakedness.” Then their bodies were shaved. This series of events made the Jews feel inhuman like they were just animals. They didn’t have names anymore they were just Jews all faced with the same horrific destiny. All sense of pride or self worth had deserted them.
2. Elie comes face to face with Josef Mengele. During the rest of the chapter Elie refers to him as the Angel of Death. Explain how Mengele wound up with this nickname. Describe the things he did to make himself notorious. What happened to the Angel of Death after the war?
Dr. Mengele was a disturbed person who was fascinated by twins and dwarves. He did twisted medical experiments that caused long, drawn-out deaths. He was so obsessed with twins that one night he had an assistant round up thirteen pairs of twins and he killed them all by injecting chloroform into their hearts and then he proceeded to dissect them and study every piece of their body. He did all of his surgeries without anesthesia. Almost all of the patients died from blood loss, infection or other complications. After the war was over After the war Dr. Mengele hid in Austria with a new identity, then escaped and began moving all over the world trying to lay low. He died in Bertioga, where he drowned in the sea after suffering a stroke. His identity was confirmed by using DNA testing on his remains.
-Wade T., Don P., Shelby R., Natasha A., Seyd P.
You guys did a good job the first question. But on the second question you forgot to say where he got the nickname "Angel of Death" and where he went after the war ended! But all in all you did a good job! Keep it up!
i agree with your response to question 1. you gave perfect reasons to support your answers. Though on question two you answered very well, but you never said anything about what happened to the 'angel of death' after the war. Besides not answering that part of the question you did a good job on supporting your answers keep up the good work.
Your first answer isn't in as great of detail as it could be. What you have written is good but there is so much more that happened in that first 48 hours that you din't mention.
Your second answer is just like your first, good but missing alot of stuff. Again, what you do have is good.
I think you did very good one question 1 but i thought you could have put more detail and more in it. On question number 2 you didn't answer the full question why did they call him the "Angel of Death" was it because of what he did or something else? Besides that you did a very good job
I agree with your answer to number one, but on number two maybe say why he was called the Angel of Death more as to what he did. I liked it other wise
Good post. I like your answer to number one. I like how you also stated how the Jews felt in the line "This series of events made the Jews feel inhuman like they were just animals." Very good post!
you guys did a really good job for answering question one how you said they had to leave every piece of home behind thats very true. But on question two you missed some key points on who he was and how his life went such as how he got his nickname and what he did after the war ended other than that good post
I thought it was good over all but in question number 2 maybe you can talk about how he got his name. I liked how you said "This series of events made the Jews feel inhuman like they were just animals. They didn't have names anymore they were just Jews all faced with the same horrific destiny." in question #1 Good Job!
I like how you started your post with how the Jews were feeling while standing in the line. You did a good job answering the questions.
We understand we left some stuff out. You guys are very observative. Thanks for your feedback.
Well you are very welcome Natasha. Just out!! :)
I would also like to say that the whole thing about injecting chloroform into the people's hearts is just sick. I wasn't here to learn all of this stuff so I just thought I would say something about that.
Just helping some friends out is what I meant! I don't know why it didn't work!! :(
Its because you can't type Jackie...
You guys did a great job. I like how you said that they were stripped of everything even their hope. Your second answer seems like you guys did some research on the Angel of Death. You could have used some examples from the book also.
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