"The picture to the left is a painting of the flames coming from the crematorium and some Jews in front of it."
1. We would stand or sit in the back just thinking of what we could do to get out of the mess we were in. If anything we would try to calm everyone down and try to come up with solutions or plans to escape. We would probably be thinking of a happier place to keep our minds off the things that were happening around us.
2.Well we think it was a little bit of both. She might have actually seen the fire and the crematorium, but she was acting too crazy for anyone to believe her. She kept screaming and screaming when it really wasn't necessary.
3.We believe that the Jews were thinking how horrible it was going to be after the train ride when those doors opened and they saw the crematorium, they thought of their loved ones and about how death was soon to come. We think that they did not regret treating the way they treated her because they did what they had to do, if she did not be quiet the Nazi's would have killed them all. One life gone is better than a train full of lives taken, they did what they had to do, even if it was wrong just to save themselves.
Ashley U, Darius J, Suzy B, Erika K
I agree with all of your answers. If I was on the train, I would have probably been trying to think of an escape plan also and if someone kept yelling in the corner that theirs a fire, I would have just thought she was crazy.
I agree with most of what you said, but if you were in that situation do you think you would really be calm enough to think everything through. To think of ideas of how to escape when the soldiers said if you would try you would get killed. I don't know about you but I know that I would probably loose my mind and be to scared to even function...other then that I thought it was ok.
I thought that your answer were really good especially to question # three I really liked that answer it was great
On Question # 1 when you said you would of tried to plan escape or on the line of that, I would be to scared to even do that. If a Nazi soldier caught you, you'd be dead in a second.
Then in Question # 2 & 3 I couldn't agree more with your answers. My group said both in # 2 and the Jews were probably thinking death as soon as the doors opened to the horrible camp and smelt the flesh of burning bodies and seen the crematorium. Good Post!!!! :)
I have to disagree on number three, I do think they did regret treating her they way they did because she was right after all, and then when they were at the camp, she became silent, so she wasn't yelling or making a big fuss in order to get them in killed. Otherwise, it was a good post I think.
I would do that same thing. I wouldn't want to do anything to make the Nazis mad. I do agree with your answers but you didn't seem to explain much. Like in question to it said to defend your answer and you didn't write much to why you think it was both. I like how you said "One life gone is better than a train full of lives taken." That is very true. I would be scared if I was in the train doing nothing and there was a lady screaming. I wouldn't want to be punished for something I didn't have anything to do with. but other than that good job on your answers...
I agree with you. But on the second question, do you believe that she is crazy or is it just the way she is acting? On train I would be one of those who freak out. So I don't know if I would be able to think clearly myself...
I agree with what your answers. If I was on the train I would have been trying to keep everyone calm. And would be trying to think of a way to escape.
I like your answer for question one. Question three I completely agree with about the "One life gone is better than a train full of lives taken." They did do something wrong but it saved many lives they did what they had to do.
I agree with your answers. If I was on the train I would probably be thinking of a way to get out of there. I thought it was kinda both too but they didn't know what she was thinking or seeing. I thought that they would have regret it a little bit but they were just trying to save themselves so they wouldn't get killed.
On question 3, you say they were thinking about how horrible it was going to be when they got off the train. They didn't know their fate at the time. They had no idea there was going to be a crematorium. And if you recall, there were other people telling them that the camp was a good place and nothing bad was going to happen. They did not know about the crematorium while they were on the train, except for Mrs.Schachter's cries.
I agree with the answers you gave. You made many good points, and brought some good quotes from the book.
I agree with all your answers. The first thing that i would have tried to do was think of a way to get away. Also if i herd somebody in the corner screaming i would think she was just crazy.
I agree with all your answers i like the way you said "one life gone is better than a train full of lives taken" i know if i was on the train i would not want to die because some lady was screaming things that were not true at that time.
Good going Michael i wouldn't want to die because of one person having a mental breakdown because she lost her husband and one of her kids in a fire or a crematorium by the German soldiers. Great job on defending your answer to Michael I really liked it.
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