If they had listened to Moishe they could have been safely to another country and away from the tragedies at their homes. If they would have gone to Palestine they could have gotten the documents they needed to get out safely. They would not have had to had their rights stripped of them or to be disgraced with the yellow star. They would not have had to be locked up like prisoners in the ghetto. In general they would have had a better life and a happier ending.
Whitney Gumm, Constance Leavitt, Jordan Byrum, Melanie Atwell, and Shelby Smith.
I agree. When you said "They hoped that whole time that the war would not come to them..." it really made me think about what people were actually thinking during the war. What would be going through your mind if there is a war going on and you hear the stories from Moishe that you don't want to believe and then German soldiers come and things start to happen? Think about it...
Moishe thought that the Germans may have been nice but the Hungarian Police were like ten times worse than what Elie Wiesel has seen. Elie wasn't the first one to be deported so he would have no clue
I like how you explained your thoughts about the first chapter. It just makes you wonder how you would feel if all these things were going on round you and you didn't know what to do. They should have just believed Moishe because he wasn't lying he wanted to help the people. They could've had a chance to leave and get out of the country. I agree with your last sentence it is very true.
Yeah after reading chapter one and thinking about it how they were thinking, I probably would have said the same thing. Oh it wont happen to us. That statement sometimes can get you in trouble. Just listening to Moshe would have gave them an oppertunity to flee and convince their nieghbors that he was right.
I agree with you. When u said "they thought the Germans were friendly" they didn't realize what they actually did to people. I thought that they should have listened to him so they could go somewhere else to be safe, instead they thought he was crazy so no one wanted to listen to a crazy person even if he was telling the truth.
I also agree with you if they would have just listned to moshie. Then they would all be better off. Also about the police being worse then the Germans they were really wrong.
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