1) We think that the inmate would say Buna is a good camp because Buna was a work camp where they received more food and had better conditions overall, whereas the conditions at Birkenau were much, much worst. At Birkenau the officers treated the Jews very harshly, food was scarce, living conditions were horrible, and more people died per day at Birkenau than at Buna.
2.The French woman who consoles Elie asked to be sent to work in the concentration camps as a civilian worker. Explain some possible reasons why she would request to leave her home to go to Poland where discovery would mean instant death.
2)She was afraid that if she was caught as a Jew in France that she would be taken as a prisoner to a camp and could quite possibly be killed. However, by posing as an Aryan and voluntarily going to a camp she created a good cover for herself. At the camp she worked for the Germans and was not noticed because she was not suspected of being Jewish. Under her creative cover, she was not so endangered of being killed.
3.Elie says he marched for four hours to get from Birkenau and Buna. Why would it take so long? He was still in Auschwitz. Go to the USHMM website and watch the presentation, look at the maps of Auschwitz, and determine the distance from Birkenau and Buna. Use the picture with this post to help you. Here is another link to information about Buna.
3) Even though there was only 6 miles or so to travel, it took four hours for them to reach their destination because they were not in a hurry. They walked slowly through the villages so as to humiliate the prisoners by letting all the Germans see them. There were around one-hundred or so prisoners marching, not to mention the number of guards. Also along the way the guards flirted with the German girls.
Shorty, Constancana, Schviener Shnitzel, Smartie Pants , Crouching Tiger Hidden Shelby :)
Would you please fix the title?
You have a few small errors in word choice. I agree with your answer to number two. Since she was under cover she wasn't as endangered to being killed. The only problem was if she got caught.
You have a few small spelling errors, but overall your piece was good. I agree with your answers because most of what you put in your piece was in my groups piece. In the last question though I just thought that maybe it took them longer to walk to Buna because of the weather conditions. It was so cold so the couldn't walk very fast. They were also weak so that played a factor to. Your piece was good.
I agree with you post except for the last question. Some aspects might be true but I think that the guards along with them were there for another race against their life... in a way. I think that they wanted them to get there as soon as possible because what if they had to travel through a town and it was cold they had no food or water so why not make them weaker? Yes, they weren't in a hurry but I think that they still wanted to get there in a hurry. But I never have thought of it in that way. Good post though.
I agree with your answers. Number one is just what I would have put. No concentration camp is good but Buna was the best because it was an all labor camp. I would rather work than plan for death.
Andrea, thanks you for your opinion on our post, I appreciate your point of view.It says it directly in the book the reason for The slow march, if you re-read the end of chapter four. I feel like your contradicting yourself in your comment and I would appreciate it if you would broaden your explanation of your opinion on our post. Another thing is that it was not snowing, although it may have been cold. Maybe you should re-read the chapter and pay more attention to the text.
Whitney meant the end of chapter three.
What kind of title is that.
What kind of font is it i looked for it and couldn't find it.
I mean...Scott.
Whitney, I never said that it was snowing. I just said that it was cold. What I meant was, in my opinion, I can see it both ways. I can see the guards pushing them but I can also see other guards wanting to go slow because they had German girls on their mind. But I can see how you took that and thought that I was contradicting myself.
I agree with you smith. No camp was good but the best one you could go to was Buna
Donnie, since they didn't have a choice in the matter, I don't really think they cared how close they still were to the fires. Just to be that much further away probably was a nice break. And even if there were better places to be, this is the one they were chosen to go to, so it was home to them. They were pretty much out of harm's way, unless they did something stupid, so its the best that they had.
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