Crematorium in Birkenau
If were we on the train we would have freaked out. I mean how would you feel when you are put on a train with a bunch of people and you don't even know were your going? You don't what lies before you, if your going to live or die. We would be scared. You have a women in there screaming that she is seeing a fire and no one believed her. Mrs. Schacter's son was only ten, he was so young and he was surrounded by people he didn't even know. I would be so scared if i was so young and we didn't know where we were going. In our opinion we thought when Mrs. Schacter saw the fire that see was actually seeing a premonition. She knew something was going to happen. She could tell there was a fire somewhere and she was right. She knew they were headed somewhere where fire was. The people pretty much thought she was going crazy but she kept seeing these visions of fire so she knew something bad was coming for them. When the doors of the train opened the Jews had to of felt a little bit of regret, but if they were out to hurt people why would they feel bad for hurting her. They didn't treat anyone with respect so why would they start with her. They might have felt a little bit bad for treating her so bad but not so much regretting what they did.
McCool Group
Nikki W., Shelby E., Scott B., Mike M.
Good comment! It makes you stop and think about what you might of felt if you were in thier shoes wandering what will happen to you. I think that they had very little feelings for striking her. But i bet that they were glad to silence her and to be rid of her screams. Keep up the great work!
Your answers to these questions are really good. But on the second question maybe Mrs. Schacter was having her premonition from a mental breakdown. Also the Jews were not out to hurt people. They just hurt her because they thought that she was going to get them all killed by the Germans.
I agree I would have freaked out very badly. I don't know many people who would not have done the same.Being crowded up on a cattle car with an insane lady yelling fire while you were trying to sleep, would make me very mad and make the trip much worse. I think it may have been a premonition, I think she was meant to warn everyone of all the trouble they were getting into. When the train doors opened I do not know what they could have regretted. They had a crazy lady making everyone so much more crazy on the train, I personally would have done the very same thing.
Good job. I agree, I would be very scared if I was in that situation. I also think that Mrs. Schacter was seeing a premonition. But I also think that if I was in that situation I would be right there with the other people and I wouldn't of believed her. She would annoy me just as much as she annoyed everyone else. I don't think that they regretted anything. They didn't really have anything to regret. But I think you guys did a good job. Keep it up.
Good post! I completely agree with number 3. They had already almost beat Mrs. Schacter to death, so why would they regret doing it just before they were to die? They would have been more concerned about all the possibilities that could happen to themselves. Also,i know that if it were me in the cattle car with all those people, i would have been scared too. There's no way i could handle it.
I think you might be slightly misinformed. Why do you say that the Jews were out to hurt people and that they didn't treat anyone with respect? That's totally backwards. It was the Nazis and their followers that were out to hurt people and did not treat anyone but their own with any inkling of anything that scarcely resembles respect. The Nazis were the bad guys here. The Jews and those that suffered along with them were the victims.
Yeah We understand that the Jews aren't out to hurt people. We seem to get mixed up when were typing our thoughts. The Nazis were just really mean and thats probably why we wrote that.
What shelby said.
Well thanks Lindee. What didn't mean to put "Jews". We go mixed up a little bit. What we meant was that the Jews were pretty much concerned about themselves and nobody else.
what we meant was that they did not care about who they were hurting at that time and they did not have time to regret it afterward because they were worried about there own lives. if any of you said you would have been worried about anyone else then your self in a life or death situation your lying.
Self-preservation is a powerful emotion.
I agree with Lindee... In our group some things can be taken wrong so just be careful how you read everything! Its ok Engel... I love ya girl...
We got mixed up when we were talking about the Jews beating up her while they were on the train. I thought that they were trying to make her be quiet but they were probably just were thinking about themselves.
My comment to everyone would be to check your words before you post - think about how things will come across to your audience or will be interpreted by different people. Do not post until you are confident in what you are saying.
Nice conversation folks, I like to see some "real" discussion take place.
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