If we were on the train we would have more than likely done the same that they did. We wouldn’t know what was going to happen. We would be just as scared as they were.
We think it was a little of both. She did have a mental breakdown from losing her husband and two of her sons. But yet she was trying to warn the others of what she saw. But because she had a “mental breakdown” people thought she was crazy and they didn’t believe her.
She was right! How would you feel if you had all of these thoughts about her being crazy and then saw that? You would be in shock not knowing what was going to happen. How would you survive? Yes they should regret how they treated her. She was only trying to warn them of what was going to happen. No one should ever be treated that badly even if they thought she was crazy. But they were in too much of a shock to even think about how they treated her.
Lindee, Kyle, Brady, Andrea
(McCool Group)
I am curious about how your picture relates to what we are discussing. Are they bodies of people who died on the a train?
I was wondering the same thing.
Think about what you are saying. They did not beat her because she was crazy. They beat her because they needed her to be quiet. And the only way that was possible was to beat her.
I agree with mostly everything you guys said. however I dont believe they beat her because she was crazy. The Jews beat her to make her be quiet so that they didnt freak out just the same.. Other wise i think you have a good blog.
The way you said that she had visions and was completley sane is hard to belive. They wanted to shut her up and be rid of her screams. They were all stressed out from being move out of there houses and srtiped of there posessions. But i like the way you guys looked at it from a different point of view!
i agree with almost everything you said, they beat her and treated that way because she wouldn't shut up and they didn't want to get shot. You guys did an amazing job.
You guys did a really good job. I like how on the first question you say that you would do the same thing because you did not know what was going to happen. I think that that is so true. You would have been just as scared as they were. They were on a train that was cramped and was going somewhere. They had no idea where they were going to. Also in the second part was really good. I feel like they did regret beating her when they saw the flames.
I like how you honestly answer the question of what you would have done. They would not have beaten her for warning them if she hadn't been so loud. Maybe they didnt regret it even though she was right since it wasn't what she said but rather how she said it that caused her beating.
There's just one thing i don't agree with. I think that beating mrs. schachter was wrong and they didn't do it because she was "crazy" but just to get her to be quiet. they didn't want to risk the lives of others on the train. Besides your that you guys did a great job answering the questions, keep up the good work.
I also would have been scared if I was on the train. I also think it may have been a little bit of both. But if I were one of the people on the train I would not have believed her because of the mental part of it. She was only trying to warn them but by going crazy and being loud she could have gotten them killed they were not beating her because she was crazy they were beating to so she would shut up.
I like how you guys put yourselves in their positions and say what you would have done. You guys say that you would of believed her if you were on the train. But if you were seriously in their position I do not think you would of believed her. You would be beating her with the rest of them to keep her quiet. You might say that you would believed her now but if you were really in that position than you probably wouldn't of. Because if you did, you would of been beaten along with her.
Our group said that we would have done the same as the other people probably not that we would've believed her. We wouldn't have believed her because we had no idea what was going on. So there for we did state that we would not have believed her we would have done the same as the others. The part about the crazy thing. We meant like they felt like she was loosing it if i recall i think in the book Elie said that having her husband and two kids taken away shattered her, he also mentioned that she had lost her mind. So sure they may have hit her to shut her up, but isn't losing your mind and parts of crazy the same thing?
The picture is of bodies dumped beside a crematory... When we said that she had a "mental breakdown" and people thought she was crazy we meant that people thought that she was crazy for having the "fire" thoughts... We didn't mean that they really did think she was crazy. If that clears it up. And we never said that we would have believed her. We said that we would have done the same thing as the Jews did on the train.
Andrea...wife...its not a crematory....its a crematorium...
Wife...(btw we are not really married).. I no Lol
Sorry I am used to texting... I meant Know!
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