No one believed him because no one could believe such a surreal story. No one could believe that there could be people making other people, in particular Jews, dig ditches and then shooting them and making them fall in to the ditch they just dug. Then after that, they used the babies as target practice for their guns. No one believes him, who would believe that, unless they would have seen it with their own eyes. Honestly, would you want to believe that? They all thought he was like the boy who cried wolf. Everyone took pity on him, because they all thought that is just what he wanted, because he was homeless. Now, if they would of believed Moche, they would have been more aware of their situation. They probably would have hid more of their valuables or burned some of it. Some of the Jews would of probably tried to run away and hide. But in the end if they were found, they would be shot and the ending would of probably been the same. But we will never know because they never got the chance to try it, because no one believed him.
By Alex Siebert, Jackie McIlravy, Shane Lovell, and Jackie Grady
I agree with you. I don't think I would have believed it unless I seen it with my own eyes just because that is so cruel to do that to babies. I thought they should have believed him so he could have saved their lives and not go through the pain and suffering like they did.
I agree I wouldn't believed Moishe either. You make some really good points, but one thing. They could have fled to Palenstine, if they had chosen to listen to Moishe. It was a very surreal story that would be hard for anyone to believe, I know I wouldn't.
I agree, but you should dig deeper into WHY the Jews did not listen to Moishe. I think that the Jews wanted to have hope. They believed what they wanted to, they altered their reality, so that they could keep their last moments joyful. I don't think they necessarily thought Moishe was lying, they just wanted to stay hopeful and sane as long as they could because they knew the end was coming.
I also agree. I think that the Holocaust wouldn't have gotten as out of hand as it did if they would have just believed Moishe and escaped to safety. I think that the number of people killed because of the Holocaust would have been alot less. I think that if i were in this situation, i would have trouble believing it too, but, i would flee anyway. What would it hurt? Better safe than sorry, and unfortunately, they were sorry.
I agree that someone would defiantly have to see it to believe it because no one wants to believe that mankind could be so cruel.Very good analogy about the the boy who cried wolf, it's very true. But I don't agree that everyone would have tried to run. Some might have tried to stay and fight if they knew what was coming even if they could have ended up dead.
I agree with endsonefreenzy they could have at least fled to Palestine but i also agree that i wouldn't have believed him either until it was to late. Oh and don't us "believe" so much it takes away from the response.
I would have to agree with you on this subject. It is hard to fathom the pure evil of some of these German people. If i were a jew when Moishe told me those stories i wouldnt have belived him also. But deep down i would of been some what curious.
I agree with you also. The acts that Beadle witnessed were just too horrific for anyone to process, let alone believe in and act upon. It is quite a tragedy that the townspeople didn't take his warning to heart, as you said it really could have saved their lives or at least given them a peak at what was really going on around them. p.s. Relating Beadle to the boy who cried wolf was a nice touch. Very true. Nice call.
I agree with you that it would of been hard to believe Moche. I also think that if they would of tried some of the Jews could of escaped. I know that i wouldnt of wanted to believe it but i think I would of took more caution. I also agree that if the Jews would of ran that they most likely would of been found and killed. also I think the treatmant would of been twice as bad.
I think that it is true when you said that no one would believe Moishe unless they saw it with their own eyes. I also think that you focused too much on details that were not as important and when you should have discussed other points.
52-17 Ha
I wouldn't have believed him either. So I agree with what you're saying, except that I don't think they thought of him like the boy who cried wolf, or gave him pity because they thought that's what he wanted. I think they chose to ignore the truth of what he said because they were in denial. but otherwise it's a good post.
agree with you completely, who would believe that people would use babies for target practice that is just sick. I definitely would not believe someone even if it was a good friend.
I totally agree with you. I wouldn't believe him. I would only believe it if I saw it myself. That is so cruel what they did. I personally believe that they should of tried running away. It's better than just not trying.
i somewhat would of believed him only because he was taken and he survived, you didn't see the other ones returning alive. i also do not believe they took pity on him because he was homeless, they just simply didn't even want to believe him. it was their choice they had to suffer the consequences of it for not listening to Moishe. but, if they would of believed him they could of fled and maybe escaped before they were taken away and tortured.
I agree on some points. However, the Jews could have still escaped to Palestine, it was still accepting immigrants. They could have went there if they wanted to get out.
You don't taunt one of the best teams in the nation before you play them. Trust me, as a Nebraska fan I am getting a lot of crap about the game.
I dont agree that Moishe was like the boy who cried wolf. He never had done any thing to make the other Jews not believe him. However, i do believe that the Jews just hated to think that all these bad happenings could occur to one of their own. They were in a sort of denial of their own fate, and still had hope that none of it might not happen to them.
I agree with just about everything you said, except the part about the people taking pity on Moishe. If they took pity on him, they would have listened to what he said.
I know the entry is a wee bit late, but I get bored easily, ya know? :)
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