Deals with his religion.
Anti-Semite ~ is people who believe in practicing anti-Semitism
The Nazis and Hungarian Police.
So then the other Jews wouldn’t get curious of why they were taking certain people. They were taking one group at a time and the other Jews had no clue that they were going to get taken away.
A secret police that plotted against people who were suspected of disloyalty. They started out being nice and acting like they were trying to protect them. In the end the Jews figured out that it was just an act and met their true identities.
It means first of the year. It’s the Jewish New Year.
He prayed because he had faith. It was as if God wanted him to pray. Like his emotions new what was going to happen but his body didn’t. Something inside him felt the need for tears he just didn’t know what. It was as though part of him didn’t know but his emotions did.
That God’s presence was in all of one’s surroundings and that one should serve God in one’s every deed and word. That’s what they believed.
Their beliefs are that if you’re to young they shouldn’t study mysticism. In order to work up to learning about that they should learn from the beginning.
Lindee, Kyle, Brady, Andrea

I like how you guys wrote sort of in depth. Your answers were long but straight to the point good job. Also don't forget to cite were you got your answers.
Good post. I only have one question. If he had faith then why didn't he know why he prayed. Keep up the work.
In the second question, you put "it's people who believe in practicing anit-semitism," well what does anit-semitism mean? That is what you were suppose to explain. If we wouldn't of answered the same question, i wouldn't of known what the people were practicing. Other than that your answers were good. Good job.
Great blog. It was very in depth. I only have one question, on number two you didn't really explain what anti-semitism was. You just said that they were people who believed in practicing anti-semitism.
I like all your answers to the questions. You guys really explained yourselves very well. Nice job.
What is Anti-Semite? Anti-Semite is a person who hates Jews not someone who believe in practicing Anti-Semitism. But otherwise I agree with the rest of your comments.
Your answers had good detail and had depth, the only problem I had was that you didn't write out the questions before the answers, so it could get a bit confusing to some of your readers. Other than that great job!
If he didn't know why he prayed, then it's doubtful that he was a very religous person.
Good job. You've got some really good answers. Nicely done.
Your definition of Anti-Semite is pretty poor. It would be ok to put "is people who believe in practicing anti-Semitism" if you state the definition of anti-Semitism. However, I agreed with the rest of your responses. In addition, I liked how you put examples under Anti-Semite.
Pretty good answers. Again though your definition of Anti-Semite isnt that great, but other than that you did good.
Good responses.You have put some great depth in your responses.
I think on question six you put a lot of detail and heart into the question. Great Job
Well if he wanted to learn more about his religion then I'm pretty sure he was pretty religious. Just because you cry when you pray doesn't mean you don't know why your praying. Do any of us know why we pray, yeah because when we have problems we go to God so I'm pretty sure he was religious until later in the book where he lost his faith. He was crying because all of his emotions were trying to escape. Not because he wasn't religious. Which in our opinion he was. After all if your religious don't you know um pray.
Andrea, Kyle, Brady, Lindee
Question what does anit-semitism mean?! Just kidding!! Your group did a good job besides question number 2! :D Keep it up
I'll stick my two cents worth in here. I don't think all people who pray do it only when they are in trouble, but I 'll bet there are some who do. To Elie, praying was like breathing - you breathe to live so you pray to live. When Elie prayed, he put all of his heart and emotion into it.
Nice response Lindee and group. I'm glad I wasn't the one on the receiving end of that.
we know that you don't just pray when your troubled, but for an example he was troubled. We didn't mean that you only pray when your in a bad situation, just simply stating a fact about our opinion.
Lindee, Thnx for the clarification. Unlike Endzonefrenzy, I believe Elie was an extremely religious person.
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