1.What would you have done if you were on the train?
Honestly, we have no idea. We were not on the train so we are not sure what we would do. We probably would have gone insane. Starving, cold, crowded, lonely, and not knowing where we were going, or what was going to happen to us, we would have gone insane.
2.When Mrs. Schachter saw the fire, was it a mental breakdown or was it a premonition? Defend your answer.
Both. She was dealing with a lot of grief from losing the majority of her family, which put her on the edge of losing her mind. On the other hand, you cannot ignore how accurate her visions and screams were. We think that without the mental breakdown, she could not have had the premonitions. She was under a lot of stress, which opened up her mind in weird ways and allowed her to have the premonitions.
3.What was going through the minds of the Jews when the doors of the train opened and they saw the flames from the crematorium? Were they in a state of mind to feel regret for their actions against Madame Schachter?
They were terrified to see the flames, and learn that everything that everyone had been telling them was true. They were shocked to see that Madame Schachter was right. They lost all hope in that moment. For a brief moment some probably did regret the way they treated Madame Schachter but then survival mode kicked in and Madame Schachter was forgotten and all they could think about was keeping themselves and their loved ones alive.
Constance Leavitt, Shelby Smith, Melanie Atwell, Whitney Gumm, Jordan Byrum
I agree there really isn't any way of telling how we would react to being in there positions unless we were in the position at the time.
All of your answers are great but don't try and steal your image from FantomPoet.COM
Way to steal your image... Lol... I agree with your post though.. I like how you went into detail. On your last question I really liked how you said "They lost all hope in that moment." They really did and you went on with good thoughts too. I never really thought about them regretting it for one moment and then just having the drive to keep loved ones and themselves alive...
First of all whats wrong with your picture? Anyway wouldn't you be scared if you were on the train? I know I would be all of those "starving, cold, crowded, lonely" I would just be scared to death being on that train. You don't know where your going or anything. Your second question was good also. I thought she had a premonition but now that I read your post you make it seem more like both. She was going through a lot so no wonder she was screaming. she knew something was going to happen. On your last question I disagree with you just a little bit. I just felt like they didn't regret anything they did. Why would they? They were mean to everyone and they just wanted to protect themselves.
I like how you guys were very truthful and spoke your opinion and said what you would have done. Its weird how we all have a different opinion on the second question. I really liked how you guys answered the third one. They really did lose hope when they saw the flames all hope was lost. Also when they wanted to survive they really did foreget about her. Good job! It was really good.
I like your post!!! It was every good and in detail. On Question # 2 my group said both as well and I agree when you said "without the mental breakdown, she could not have had the premonitions." Good Job!
I think you responded to number two very well, I agree with everything you said. She acted like she was crazy but she was right.
I like that you tell the truth on question one and not trying to sugar coat it. Everyone else is like i would have done this and that, and everyone knows they wouldn't have. Then you guys are strait up and say you don't know what you would have done.
The only thing I disagree with is question one. Even though I would've been cold, malnourished, and fatigued I would've still tried to be strong and keep my wits. This was only the beginning of a long hard journey and if you don't start out strong there's a pretty slim chance that you'll survive. All of your answers are really good. I never thought of the mental breakdown enabling her to have the premonitions but that makes a lot of sense to me.
I like what you said in the last paragraph when you said survival mode kicked in and i know it would of for me as well i would be more concerned about myself and loved ones life i know that sounds bad of me but thats the way a lot of people would be.
I like how u answered the questions...I thought that they probably did sometimes regret what they did but they didn't know what else to do when they were on the train.
I really liked your group's post. I actually think it is the first one I have agreed on and haven't been tempted to question something in it. Although my group thought it was more premonition than breakdown, I still do see what you are saying. It makes sense and its nice to see it from a different point of view.
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