Zionism is the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland.
The Rosh Hashanah was the Jewish New Year.
We felt we had so much to say about the question they asked Elie about his praying. When they asked Elie why he cried when he prayed he answered, “I cry because… something inside of me felt the need to cry.” When they asked him why he prayed he answered, “Why did I pray? Why did I live why did I breathe? I don’t know.” How does anybody know why he or she prays or why they cry? It’s a feeling inside because he’s close to God in his life right now and he needs him to help. Moishe told him that a person comes closer to God through the questions he asks him. Why do you pray? This is a very confusing topic. For some people its hard to pray because they have so many feelings. How can anyone know why they cry when they pray. If they have many emotions inside of them it might be harder for them to pray and it might be hard to keep all those emotions inside.
Another question we had a big discusion about was When they asked why were the foreign Jews deproted first? The foreign Jews were deported first to make it seem like the Germans wanted the people who were less important. So it would seem as if they weren’t going to come back for the other people. “Days went by then weeks and months life was normal again a calm reassuring wind blew through their house.” When it says that, it means that they thought that nothing else was going to happen that the Germans weren’t going to come back for anyone else.
Although we didn't answer all the questions asked we were stuck discussing these two questions in our group.
Nikki Whiteford, Scott Bellows, Mike Moser, Shelby Engel, Erin Marker
(Group in far, back corner.)

I thought you answered the last two questions really well. Good details from the book and follow up with your own opinions afterward.
Good post. I like how you extended the conversation on why he prayed. The book really leaves alot of things in the open and un-clear. It could have been many different reason why he did, but many people can observe it differently.
I like how you answered the last two questions. Even though you didn't answer all the questions you did go in depth with the last two. I liked the fact that you focused on the question and stayed on it. GOOD JOB!
These answers were pretty good...its good that you added your own opinions...it opens up an oppurtunity for discussion.
Even though all the answers weren't answered the answers for the last two questions made up for it. You used good detail from the book, and put your own opinion in it. Great job.
I like how you guys really got involved with the question about Elie's praying. You really put yourself into it and dissected it. Great job.
If he didn't know why he prayed, then it's doubtful that he was a very religous person.
I totally agree there are alot of information to try to cover in a short period of time! But what you did say sounds good and could have beed very true.
I really like you answer to why he prayed and why he cried. I think that you guys really understand what he was feeling. He felt like it was a natural thing just like living.
Good Job. I think that it's ok that you didn't answer all of the questions because you went into such depth on the ones you did answer. I really like your answer to the crying question. Nice job.
you guys did a very good job and i think you new exactly what you guys were talking about
I liked how you directly quoted the story in your answer about praying, obviously there are many different opinions about it but I think that you depicted your feelings well.
I really like how in depth you were in your two responses.
You guys did a great job!! Every into the detail about the book!!! Keep it up! :D
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