1. The first step, into hell, the last step into defeat, questions that don’t stop, continuing to be there. Looking at people who were barely human anymore. The fire that not only took peoples life, but their faith. Their faith to go on, their faith to live, burnt like ashes. There wasn’t very much gained from when they entered Auschwitz, maybe just the kno

wledge of what was going on. What was lost? Everything, family, life, laughter, freedom.

2. “Angel of Death”, the man that always showed

up with a look of death. The power that he had over the Jews. Doctor Mengele, a man that warned with a bitter tone. He has the nickname, because when he was around he even scented of death. Elie even said that when he came it felt like the Angel of Death. He used his power to let the Jews know that they were at a concentration camp, that if they didn’t work their only option was death. He left the word chimney as a bad taste in the Jews mouths. The sickening doctor escaped

after the war to Austria and then lived in South America, he later died of a stroke.
McCool group: Lindee, Andrea, Brady, Kyle
Okay, reading this made me feel like I was there. It was very good and a lot of detail was put into it. I like your Question # 1 answer a lot!!! Very described! Good Job! Oh and Nice picture!!!
I really like you what you said in question one. It was poetic in a sense. It was very deep and I think you guys (and girls) are very talented. It feels like you really tried to put yourselves into their shoes and imagine what it was like to lose everything. Keep it up!
What are talking about in number one? Im really confused. Dr. Mengele was just so intense and intimidating that he just gave the first impression of powerful. So i agree with what you said about him in question number two. He had so much power over the Jews, that he was recognized as death itself.
Well your first answer was very deep if I do say so myself. It was good I just dont think it really answered the question. Otherwise i think the rest of your guys blog was really good.
In the first question, we put ourselves in the situation in a way. You would have all of these continuing thoughts running through your mind, some not even making sense.
You didn't really answer question one. You were suppose to describe what happened in the first 48 hours at the camp. Not what they felt after getting out of the cattle cars. I don't see where you were going with that. I agree with your answer to question two. Good job. Next time just answer both questions.
Well, I like and dis-like your answer to number one. You described how they were feeling there, but you didn't give the events of the story, and that is what the question asked. I do like your answer on number two though, it was exactly who he is, his look is just powerful.Good job.
In your response to number one, I really like how went out of the box to answer it. You didn't really answer the question about what happened but it was beautifully written. I like how you described the doctor
Your answers are very poetic and I respect anyone who tries to be different and step out of the box, not a lot of people would understand that. It was very good and deep which helps people understand feelings and emotions that the jews went through and your emotions about it.
I really like how you answered question one. very detailed and poetic like. you did a very good job.
I am completely in love with this post to question 1, it is very poetic and down to earth. It makes me feel like you guys were really there and know what they had to go through. Number two is totally right too, I love your style of writing.
The question was to describe what it was like when the cattle cars opened. We just described what the Jews felt, we just took it to a different point of view because other groups have the same answer.
I really liked how you guys answered your questions. It was different and refreshing. The only thing is that at times it got a little confusing and some things didn't really make sense. But other than that, it is one of the best posts I have read thus far...as in the whole time we have been doing this thing.
I like your post it was really good. I thought that you answered #1 really well. Just reading it made me feel like I could be there and what they felt. I like how you also explained question #2 good. Good Job! Keep up the good work.
I liked your response to question one a lot. It was different than everyone else's post. Way to not be afraid to stand out! Your post is very poetic!
I like how you went into depth describing Dr. Mengele. This was a great post. I agree when you said that the way Mengele looked at you it kinda struck fear. Could you imagine what it would be like to be around someone like him, i couldn't. Good post, keep it up!!!
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