In our opinion we don't believe you are truly alive when you abandon everything. If you take away your faith in God, life, and man what is there really to believe in? If a person lost their faith they would be nothing, they would have no personality and they would feel "dead" inside. What would they have to go to when they need someone to believe in? There are people in this group that don't attend church every Sunday but we still have our faith in God. Just because we don't that doesn't mean that we lose faith in any way. Faith is one big part of a persons life. It's who a person really is, what they do, what they believe in. Faith tells who a person is inside and out. This faith tells how you go about life every single day. If you don't have faith in your life there is really no reason to keep living. Everything in your life would be pointless. The Jews needed a sense of faith to keep them on their feet when they were on the train. They believed in God, they didn't want anything bad to happen to them, but when something did happen to them they had to of lost their faith in God. How could anyone live without their belief in God and life? It would start to tear you apart piece by piece. When your faith is gone, everything is gone. There are people out there that pray every night. Just think if the little kids that believe in God had lost their faith. How would they feel if they lost that? They would lose a piece of themselves. Without faith who are you?
McCool Group- Shelby E., Nikki W., Scott B., Mike M.
I really like the way you put the phrase" Faith is one big part of a person's life" I like it because it explains how much of a part faith plays in a person's life. I just wanted to say good job on your post.
I like your post! It is really good. I agree with your statement about you don't go to church every Sunday but still have your faith in Him. Because i feel the same way. I work most of the time on weekends and can't go to church but I still have my faith in Him. Very good post!
Remember...this discussion is about faith and life, not your schedule.
Without faith i'm Me, nobody else but myself.
I didn't mean to sound like I was stating my schedule... I was just simply saying that I still have faith even though I don't usually attend church because of my schedule...
I like how you included the thought that everything would be pointless without faith. I personally am not a religious person at all but i have faith in other things and thats what keeps me on track. I think everyone needs that. So good job.
Good job on your post, I liked how you said if you have no faith you would be nothing. Whether you have faith in God or not its important to have faith in something that keeps you going and adds purpose to your life, but its also important to realize that not everyone believes in the idea of a God and they put their faith in the people that they love and care for.
Great post. "Faith is one big part of a persons life. It's who a person really is, what they do, what they believe in." I like how you say it is who a person really is because that is true. It shows the real person inside.
I couldn't agree with you more. I don't go to church, but i do believe in god and i do think that i have faith in god, in life, and many other things. Okay i am going to say that i know people who don't believe god but they believe in something else and they are fine you just have to faith in something, no matter what it is cause if you don't then your right there is nothing to look forward to.. Great job
I agree with you softball_09. I think that you don't only have to have faith in God but to have faith in something else to look forward to in life.
"How could anyone live without their belief in God and life? It would start to tear you apart piece by piece. When your faith is gone, everything is gone." I completely agree with this statement. To be alive everyone needs a faith in something, but faith in God is the only one really worth having. You need God to live.
Nikki (and others) makes a good point. What other types of faith do people have? It's easiest to hear the word faith and immediately think of God, church, religion, etc. However, does faith mean more than those words? Is faith a deeper element of our being that allows us the will to get up in the morning? Can you abandon faith in "God," but still believe in the redeeming qualities of man? Or are the two intertwined. Does belief in man = belief in a higher power and greater purpose?
Faith is not just about God it is just what you believe in. For example if you believe in a sport then that means you have faith in that sport or if you believe you can do something then you have faith in yourself. Thats all I think that faith means
Why believe in a higher power when your the one who controls where your life goes? You're not a chess piece bieng moved around by some unseen hand, you know I used to be in a bad way and I, ME pulled myself out of it, nobody else, just me and willpower. I didn't pray to god or whoever you want to mention. Thats just my standpoint on the matter, do what you want, this is America.
I'm interested to hear more about how a person can have faith in something such as a sport. Please explain what you mean, I'm intrigued.
I completely agree with Jackie G. faith isn't just about God. Faith means something different for every person.
I do believe you can still have faith in something other than God but it will be good to have faith in him. I also do believe that we do have faith every morning when we wake up and still have faith when we go to bed at night having us believe that we will wake up. Faith in God is a strong faith to have and you can also live without it. God's faith helps us get through many parts of our lives but with us believing is other aspects of live we get through with bout of their faith.
I do agree with what Nikki said softball_09 said. There are people who don't believe in God or they might not believe in faith in God but they still believe in something. That something they believe in is what gets them through the day. When Mrs. Bethune said "It's easier to hear the word faith and immediately think of God, church, etc." I guess that's what I think of when I hear faith. But on the other hand there are other people that don't feel the same. Faith does mean more than just those things. Theres faith in yourself and it doesn't always have to revolve around faith in god, but thats just how I feel. I have faith in God in my life and when I hear faith thats the only thing I think of. And as for Donnie P. he is one who isn't afraid to put his opinion out there. We think differently but I can't judge him for what he believes. I think one way and he thinks the other. Faith in God might not be as important to him as me, but he still has faith in something.
In my opinion in my life, I love to praise God, sure I'm not the perfect christian, but I'm a person who loves to sing those old hymns at church and listen to the preachers sermon. Now is that all that a person with faith does? No, theres more to it, theres prayer, being humble, spreading the word. Although we don't always follow those all of the time, faith does involve more than just going to church and giving offering. I watched this movie called Simon Burch. In the movie that preacher brings up coffee and rolls and "Simon" states, what does that have to do with God? Then he later goes onto say if God makes the church bake sale a priority then we are all in trouble." It really made me think, do people go to church just to say their a christian? Just to say oh yeah I always go to church, I'm a christian. I think that maybe sometimes we feel that if we go to church we are automatically going to go to heaven. It really bugs me, its like if a teacher was just in a class room, didn't teach anything but was just in there to say they were a teacher. I don't know but there is more to faith then church, and religion. Theres doing.
Thank you for your honest thoughts.
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