To lose faith in God is to lose faith in yourself. When God is out of your life if you had a strong faith before, there’s not much to live for. When faith is gone, there is no life. If there’s no faith, there’s no will to go on. Alive? Who is alive without God, there’s no one to thank, no one to praise. If there’s no faith, then life it self does not exist. The Jews needed the faith to survive day by day. With what the Nazis did to them it was hard to hold on, to go on. They needed something to live for. Some Jews lost faith, others somehow in their ways kept their faith strong, others just in life gave up.
Faith plays a huge role in our lives. It decides where we end up, how far we will go, what road we will take, what breath will be our last. Maybe the Jews lived by that, fought for that, praised for that. Others gave up on that, died with out that, they lost their last breath in the ashes of their faith being…. gone. Identity is who you are, what you are. When a piece of it is gone, it somehow falls apart. When faith is gone, God is gone. When he is gone, your protector is gone. Although some lost faith, He still cared for them just as much as the ones who still believed in him, who lived for him.
When you have nothing to believe in there’s nothing to live for, nothing to pray for. It was obviously very easy to lose faith.
Lindee, Brady, Kyle, Andrea
(McCool Group)
Great job guys. Good luck in football Spitz!
I agree with what you have to say! It was described very well and the length was good! But I have a question what do you mean when you say "it was obviously very easy to lose faith?" I kind of don't understand what you are meaning! But all in all, it was very good!:)
P.S. Wade put more words to you comment buddy! :) And Kyle, Good Luck!!
You did a great job voicing your opinion. Although I think that you don't have to have faith in God to have a purpose or will to live, you can have faith in anything or anyone important to you that makes you keep going. Just because you don't have God in your life doesn't mean there is nothing to live for. Faith isn't just about religion or God, faith is about anyone that helps you go on and you care about.
Great Post!!!!! I could not agree more, there is no life when you have no faith. And yes faith plays a huge role in our lives, heck it decides where we will go after death. Heaven or Hell. It decides if you are spiritually dead or alive. Great Post.
I think that it doesn't even have to be faith in God. Everyone needs and has something they believe in, and if they don't have faith in what they believe in then they have no hope for anything. But i do think that a person's faith and beliefs make up the core of who that person is. I don't agree with what you said about when your identity is gone, God is gone, and also when your faith is gone, God is gone. God is always there, no matter what. You kind of contradict your own previous statement by then later stating that God cares about them no matter what.
I do like this one. But i agree with Elizabeth also. Both make good points, and it is your opinion that matters. Good job.
I also agree with your post. Faith is everything and there really is nothing to live for if you don't faith. This is a really good post.
I really like how you said that when you lose faith you lose yourself. I think faith is what makes your soul live. This post was... awesome! (for lack of a better word. :D) I think you guys really hit this one dead on.
I agree with your post 100%. Good points. I especially liked the part "When faith is gone, there is no life. If there’s no faith, there’s no will to go on. Alive? Who is alive without God, there’s no one to thank, no one to praise. If there’s no faith, then life it self does not exist." Good job saying that God still cares for those who lose the faith since He loves everyone just the same. Great post.
Awesome!!! When faith is gone there is no will to go on!!! As a fellow christain faith in my life is everything. It must have been extremley hard for them to keep faith when they were in that situation with all the persicution going on. Keep up the great work.
Awesome post! I agree with you completely. I believe that if one loses faith then they lose themself. The word faith means believing in something that you cant't see or feel, so when any Christian hears the word faith they usually automatically think of God. I do anyway. I couldn't imagine living my life without God or without "faith". I would have reason to be alive then because my purpose in life is to serve God and spread his word, thats why he put me on this earth, so without faith, why live? Again, great comment!
In my comment above I meant to put i would have no reason to live instead of reason to live. Sorry ;)
I like how you put in there that the Jews needed faith just to survive. It is true the ones with weak faith probably died first because they lost hoped and the ones with the strong faith lived through this. The stronger the faith that you have, the stronger you are as a person. Also I really like how you said that faith makes us who we are. The faith that we have helps us make choices in our lives. This is a really good blog.
Great post. I like how you said, " Alive? Who is alive without God.... If there's no faith, then life itself does not exist." I completely agree with this. I also like how you pointed out the God still loves those who don't love him. Very good job.
I agree with what Melanie said. I also liked that sentence to because its very true. If you don't have faith in your life then what is there in your life? Your life simply does not exist. Yes you are still physically there but not inside. Good job.
We just were talking in our opinion if you have a strong faith and God and then you lose it when things aren't going your way, there's nothing to live for. That was our opinion, without God in my life I know that life doesn't exist
Jackie, when we said that it was easy to lose faith we meant that because of their hardships they faced they, more than likely, questioned God in his will for them to live. If that clears it up for you... in our group all of us mostly agreed with every... what about others? Did you have disagreements? I believe that without faith in God, or what ever your beliefs are, life itself seems to not exist... But God still loves you no matter what...
Oh okay! Now I agree with you on that. But our group, yes some of us related to one another, but then some didn't even say anything. Like they didn't care as much. And it made me a bit mad that they wouldn't speak up and say what they thought. You know?
Ya I no what you mean. You are a group everyone should do the same amount of work! And even if you didn't agree you could state that in your post...
I know... But once again some didn't really say anything and that's what made me a bit mad. I said something, but they still don't want to say anything. I wouldn't argue with them, because that is their opinion, but it just makes me a bit frustrated that they don't say anything!!
Stay on topic please.
Okay, our bad!
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