People did not believe Moishe the Beadle because the things he said were so hard to believe. Hearing him say that Germans were making the foreign Jews dig their own graves to crawl into and be shot is a hard thing to take in. He was put out by the other Jews of Sighet also because he was a wanderer, with no place to call home. He seemed like he was crazy because anyone who was homeless could not be considered a reliable source.
If the Jews would have believed Moishe the Beadle they would have had time to flee to Palestine. They could have saved their families and futures if they would have been more fearful of the potential the Germans had to kill them all. Although, if the Jews all fled to Palestine, we still think that the Germans would have followed them there. They would all be in Palestine to escape the Germans which would have made them even more concentrated in one place. Either way we still think the Germans would have found them and attempted to eradicate them.
By: Erika Keithley, Ashley Urtado, Suzy Byers, and Darius Jones
I agree with you. We always say well if the community stood up for the Jews maybe the outcome would have been different. The Germans would have found a way to get around laws to find them. I never thought about that until you said that.
I agree with your last few sentences. I think that even if they were able to flee to anywhere, not just Palestine, the Nazis no doubt would have found them. So its kind of a double edged sword. But I guess that's just the harsh reality we have to live with
I really like how you guys are looking at the different possibilities of outcomes. Most everyone is saying they would absolutely have a chance if the Jews would have listened to Moishe, but you guys are thinking that they would have been found one way or another. Even though I agree with the other groups, I agree with you as well. I like the different perspective. Keep it up!
I think that everything you have said in your post is correct I also think that you could put in a little bit more detail into it but i guess that is your decision about that.
I agree with what Seyd said. I like how you spent time on thinking about the different outcomes. I agree with you guys on the part about the German's finding them even if they would have listened Moishe. The German's would have found out where they were at, because there are other people that would have ratted them out.
I somewhat agree what you say, yes they could of believed him and maybe they would of saved their selves, but think of it, the Holocaust spread over all of Germany, so it would of caught up to them sooner or later. Only listening to Moishe would of saved one more day. That probably it. But who really knows, because that is not how it happened, so no one will ever know what could of happened.
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