Left to right: Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Höss, Josef Kramer, and an unidentified officer.
1. In Auschwitz Jews went through a process. Describe the first 48 hours for Jews once the doors opened to the cattle cars. Describe what is lost or gained with each significant event.
A. When the Jews would arrive, they would go through sorting, from those who were dead, unable to walk, and able to walk. Then they were separated by sex, but the younger children were able to stay with their mothers. Then came selection, either you were condemned to death or condemned to work. Either way, you would after that you would surrender your valuables, then you clothing, then hair removal. If you were condemned to death, you were then gassed, then cremation. If you were chosen to work, you would simply go work. With in the selection time, there were many things lost then. Right off the bat you would loose your mother or father. Then after that, you would loose what was valuable to you, then your clothes. If you were condemned to work, you would get new clothes, but the clothes usually didn't fit. But if you'd be condemned to work, you then would meet up, if you were lucky, with old friends and families.
2. Elie comes face to face with Josef Mengele. During the rest of the chapter Elie refers to him as the Angel of Death. Explain how Mengele wound up with this nickname. Describe the things he did to make himself notorious. What happened to the Angel of Death after the war?
A. Josef Mengele got his nickname, the Angel of Death, by just walking in the room you could feel a since of evil coming from him. “The notorious Josef Mengele, would torture Jewish children, Gypsy children and many others. “Patients” were put into pressure chambers tested with drugs, castrated, frozen to death, and exposed to various other traumas.” But the big reason why Mengele got his nickname was by the way he enjoyed killing people. Once a whole block had lice, so by curing the problem, he gassed the 750 women that were assigned to that block. Then, he drew a line in a children’s block up to 5 feet, and all of those who were shorter then were sent straight to the gas chambers.
After the war, he fled to South America, married his brothers widow, and had a son. Then one day he went for a swim in the ocean, and while he was out there, he suffered from a massive stroke, and drowned. He lived till 1979.
Sources: http://www.auschwtiz.dk/mengele.htm
McCool Group Alex S, Jackie M, Shane L, Jackie G
Thanks for including your source.
Your welcome Larry
These are very good answers. Very detailed. Your answer to question two was very good. You had a good answer to question one also. You could of talked about how they got tattooed and went through roll call also. You left out a couple of other important things. But other than that it was a good post. Good job!
Good job. Your answers were very good, and were explained well. I liked your asnwer too number two! It explained who he was, what he did, and how he died. Great work! [:
Oh i also like your picture you choose.
Wow one of the best answers i have read. You gave supporting facts on your answers you even sourced where you got the facts, good job. you were very detailed. though there were some key parts you left out but thats ok. You guys and girls did a good job.
These are very good answers! I thought you went into very good detail. Altough I think you should of talked about the tattooing more because I mean that is a lose of identity. The number on there arm became there new name I just think thats a pretty big topic. But over all really good.
Dr. Mengele was evil. I think the Jews could sense that. Its crazy how he was able to get away with torturing so many people. I didnt know that he was able to flee after liberation of the Jews. Its really sad.
Wow...very good answers. I like how you went into detail and you talked about almost everything that he experimented not just chose one example and talked about it. You answered the full questions! Great job again!
Very nice guys. This is a great post and you included good details. The only thing I would say is to really watch your spelling, grammar, and other things of that sort. Great job guys.:)
Your answer to number two describes the doctor pretty well. In response number one, I like how you generalized the selection process.
I agree with your answers. I really like the picture that you included on the blog. It has a significant value to the blog. I also agree with your answers to question number two. I like how you got into detail, and explained the psycho nature of this man. I really don't know how I would react if I ever met someone who struck the fear of death into me like Josef Mengele.
Good post. It was very informative and detailed. Nice job.
Yeah, Dr. Josef Mengele was extremely evil and I don't understand how he just left and was never seen again for a long time. But about the whole tattooing, that was a big part of how they lost their names and how they received numbers. We should of talked about that!
Mengele did not move to South Africa it was south america, in Brazil and Paraguay where he hid.
They put South America Donnie.
Well, it was South Africa that we put on accident. But we quickly changed it! So good spotting Donnie! lol I still love you Tata!! :)
Oh okay. South Africa...geez what were you guys thinking? Just kidding.
Yeah, I was reading through and noticed that we put South Africa so I told Alex to quickly change it! :) But Donnie spotted it out before I could change it!
Ohhhh, well good for Donnie then.
I really like your guys first answer how you described how they were separated by gender. You used a lot of good information. I liked how you said that he was called the Angel of Death because you could feel the evil coming from him. But could he have been called the Angel of Death because he chose who was going to die?
Good job of explaining what they lost and gained. Your answer to number 2 was really well written. Great job of going into detail. I didn't know a lot of what you posted about him.
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