1. Some members of our group took a more literal view on the first question. They say yes you are still living because you’re heart is still beating. Others think that if you abandon your faith, you have given up the reason for living in the first place. We feel that if you lose your faith in everything, you are just an empty shell.
2. If you are really strong in your faith, it shapes who you are as a person and how you live your life. People who live their life for God typically don’t do bad things…we can assume anyway. If you don’t live solely for God, you might do things that others may not find acceptable but you don’t regret doing it.
3. Some members of the group say that if you don’t have any faith you aren’t dead because there is a lot more to life than just your faith. So we don’t necessarily think that having no faith could be the equivalent of being dead. We are still alive and coexisting with people who are strong in their faith. We do the same things as them. We live, eat, breath, and sleep just the same as everyone else.
McCool Group
Wade T., Seyd P., Don P., Natasha A., and Shelby R.
Hey I really like what you said in your post especially when you said "We feel that if you lose your faith in everything, you are just an empty shell."
I do agree with what you have to say. To me Faith is everything. Without it you are just an "empty shell", what you said. That was a strong sentence that you girls and guys put in. So good job and keep it up!
Your post was really good. You took both sides on the question. It is your opinion and you gave good reasons to why you think that. Good job.
Great post! I only have one question, what is alot more to life than faith. In my opinion, if you don't have faith what is the reason to live??? Other than that great post. :)
I some what agree with what you say. i do agree faith is what makes you who you are and even if you don't have faith that don't make you an "empty shell" just lost thats all. You did a good job answering your questions. I just think that if you dont have faith or you lose faith that doesn't really make you an "empty shell," more like a person that needs help, so by living your life you can understand more about faith to find it again ya'know.
I agree with you about if you lose faith you are just an empty shell and that faith does shape who you are as a person. Obviously you aren't dead if you have no faith but it is very good to have.
very good comment. It shows that nomatter what you belive in that something can and probaly will happen to you. The stronger people who kept there faith and did not gave up still had a sense of hope. Which is very hard to keep hope in a time like this.
Ok so where you said " If you lose your faith in everything, you are just an empty shell." I really like that. I think it really sums up the question. In my opinion I agree with that statement one hundred percent. The only think i disagree with is I think you have to have faith in something or whats the point in even being alive? Otherwise great post!
I like how you guys tried to give each of your opinions. It is an opinion question which could be quite controversial. I think that without faith, then there is no point in living. Without having faith in something, your just kind of like a big blob walking around the earth doing the same things over and over again with no meaning.
I agree with most of your answers. I don't really agree with the part in your answer to number two about if you don't live solely for God. But other than that it was a good post. Good job :]
I like how you have different opinions on your answer. The last part I do not really agree with. I feel like you have to believe in something, you have to have faith in something. It does not just have to be God that you have faith in. Some people that I know believes in karma. There is different things people believe in.
On #2 i am sorry but i am going to disagree on one thing when you say that people who "live their life for god don't typically do bad things" i don't believe that to be honest because some people who go to church and live just for god are the worst about judging people or creating sin. I am not saying that all the people who live their life by god is like that but in my opinion i believe a majority do. I believe in god, and i pray to him every night but i don't think we can say that people who live their lives by the book not do bad things
I disagree with your statement,"...if you don't have faith you aren't dead because there is a lot more to life than just your faith." What is that "a lot more"? Without faith what is there? I think faith in God is the best faith to have. He is our creator and savior and we should be doing everything to live for him. But faith in God is not the only faith to have. You can have faith in other things too. Without faith in anything there is no hope, there is nothing to live for. I believe you would be dead. Not physically but spiritually. Without faith we are nothing.
Softball_09, if you read on further, you will see that right after that comment, it says "we can assume anyway". So its not like we were saying that they don't do bad things period, it is just an assumption. I realize that people lie. If we didn't, then I really think there would be no point in being here, but I just wanted to point that out for you.
Good job guys. I agree with most, if not all of your post. You did a good job in expressing the different opinions of each person or group of people in your group. I agree that faith is everything. Yes, technically you can live without faith.You're heart is still beating. But what kind of life would that be. Life without faith would be practically hopeless. What could get you from day to day if you didn't have faith, if you didn't know without a doubt that your life means something. Faith in something, be it God, humanity, anything gives people hope. Hope that things will get better, hope that pain and suffering will end, and that goodness will always triumph over evil. And hope is something that we all as human beings need to hold on to.
I think that faith is everything. it seems to me that you don't realize that faith can be everything. When you go to sleep at night, don't you have faith that you will wake up again in the morning? Even if you don't believe in God, you still have to have faith and hope to be able to live. It's an everday necessity.
I liked how you took a literal view and emotional view into the question. I would really have liked to see you go deeper emotionally into the questions because I think that was the whole purpose of this post, to see how we answered the questions on a deeper level.
I believe everyone has faith in something. Ya it doesn't have to be in a higher power than mankind but if you have hope, you have faith. Physically you will be alive but mentally I think you could be broken.
Hey Elizabeth, can we try not to get into people's personal lives here? I think that comment may have been just a little too harsh.
Natasha, okay why would you assume that people that live by the book or by god would not make mistakes or do wrongfully.They are human too right? i was just telling you my opinion on what i thought so i have nothing to say more than i disagree with what you put on your post.
Natasha, how is Elizabeth getting into anyone's personal live's. You said on your post that you can assume that people who live by the book and god don't do anything bad. So really you have no where to judge and say she is getting into people's personal business. All she said was she thinks you have to have faith in something.
I would assume that because they preach this stuff to you and shove it down your throat, why wouldn't they do exactly what they are preaching at us to do? This is probably how the phrase practice what you preach got its start. I'm not saying that they do, and with all due respect I could care less. Yes they are human, but why would I want to listen to what this person is telling me if they themselves don't follow it? I understand its your opinion and I respect that, I was just defending our post.
In her comment when she said when you go to sleep at night don't you have faith that you will wake up? I guess its not really getting into peoples personal lives but I just took some offense to it. But the tone in your writing is coming off just a little bit disrespectful.
I don't understand why you have to attack other people's comment's we are just putting our opinions down like we are told to do.. We are nice about the things we say no matter how much we disagree. So i think that your class should do the same, i am not going to say that we don't get angry at the things you say because we do i guess we handle ourselves better.. sorry
Ashley, Take a chill pill.
Softball, honestly...who is attacking who here? I am trying to go about this in a civilized manner, and to be perfectly honest, I feel that I am the one being attacked. I do not feel that I attacked anyone's post and I understand that everyone has their opinion...that's fine. That's the whole point of this blog thing. It is okay to disagree, I understand that. It just seems like you are trying to pick a fight and all I am doing is defending our group's post.
Agree or disagree, we all must be careful of our tone. How will someone we've never met "hear" our voice as we are stating our opinions? This is one of the challenges with online learning and it's important that we use this as a moment of reflection rather than anger.
If I sounded rude or disrespectful I did not intend to. I guess I just have to watch how I state my opinions. Again, I am sorry if I came across as attacking your comments. I did not intend for it to be that way.
Thank you for your humility Natasha.
I am sorry i wasn't trying to be rude or disrespectful in anyway, i do have a anger problem and have a problem with expressing my emotions in the wrong manner.. i really do not mean to so i am sorry i just get offended very easily..
Thank you for your honesty.
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