Physically, you are alive, even if you don't have faith. But, everything else about you would be dead. Without faith a person really has no reason to live.
There is no purpose in their lives. Everyone has faith in something. What you believe in makes up who you are. It also influences your morals, actions, and thoughts. The abandonment of faith is the equivalent of death because without anyting to believe in, a person has nothing to live for. They would feel dead inside because they wouldn't have hope in any thing.
I really like how you worded how you would be alive without having faith. You would have a physical and emotional life.
I agree with you all the way. You are alive in a sense but not really. If there is no faith or God in your life what is there to live for? I like how you said that "They would feel dead inside because they wouldn't have hope in anything." That was a really good line. Its very true, what is there to hope fore when you no longer believe in anything.
So, youre saying since I don't have a faith then I have no reason to live? Because I feel I do, there's more than the question, God or no God?, I have my family, and friends and why not stay alive for them? I live for my future, not for any "God".
Well I started reading yours thinking it wasn't going to be good because it was short. But it is really good. I like your sentence "The abandonment of faith is the equivalent of death because without anything to believe in, a person has nothing to live for." It is really strong. Good job!
your right if you don't have any faith in anything then you may not feel its worth living any longer. weather its faith in god or faith in your life or family. Good job!
I love the line "The abandonment of faith is the equivalent of death because without anything (by the way you spelled anything wrong in your post) to believe in, a person has nothing to live for." I completely agree with that. Very well written post. Short but sweet.
I agree with you too if you don't believe in anything not only god but if you don't have faith in anything theres no reason to live. Faith and hope is a big part of our lives.
Donnie P-Yes you don't have to have faith to live but if you say you live for your family and your friends then you have hope that they live and want to stay alive for you too right? therefor you have some faith or hope inside of you!
This is really true, I agree with your post all the way. Everyone needs to have faith in something, or your just a empty soul just floating around. An empty shell with no life to it.
Okay, I thought that your post wouldn't be that much in detail, sense it's a bit short. But after reading it, I was amazed! It was very good and you described it well!!! So good job and keep it up!
P.S. Loving the wonderful nicknames! ;)
I'm not sure what to really say...Umm I agree that faith or religion is a big part of who you are. Like with all the morals and influences. But who are you to say if you have no faith you have no purpose in life. I really disagree with that statement and maybe think about what you type before you post it. Some people could take that very offensive. Like me I believe in god and I believe god has a plan for everyone, that they have been put on earth for a reason. God has a plan for everyone. I like the one part, good job on that. But as of the other part i think that is a little harsh and you should think about other people first. Just cause you don't believe does not make you a bad person
If you don't like what we write just disagree with us and move on, it is what we believe in, that is what the question is asking, what do WE think, as in our group. That is our opinion. If if offened anyone we are sorry. We just answered the question.
Donnie P- You may not believe in God, but everyone has something they believe in. Everyone has faith in something, and to live without faith is to live with no purpose. Apparently, you live for your family and your future. That would mean you have faith that you actually WILL have a future. Thats faith, right?
good job Webb [:
Well I did disagree, And stated a reason for it. I just don't see what would make you think that there is no point to life if you do not believe in anything
okay. that is your opinion. leave it at that.
Well what is the reason? Why do believe that without faith a person has no reason to live. It sounds as if you do not believe just go commit suicide.
Faith may not always be present in how or if you believe in God. Don't you have to have faith that you will wake up in the morning? Hope that you will? Everyone has faith in something.
Faith may not always be present in how or if you believe in God. Don't you have to have faith that you will wake up in the morning? Hope that you will? Everyone has faith in something.
Ok, good point Elizabeth Thats what I was trying to reach or get to. It came of as if you do not believe or have faith at all that you might as well put the barrel to your head and pull the trigger.
I agree with what Michael said to Donnie P. Even though you live for your family and friends you still have hope in something. You must believe in something to get you through the day. I know thats his opinion and thats how he feels but there has to be some sort of faith inside of him.
It's important to note that just because you disagree with someone, they still have a right to state their opinion. There is a powerful liberty we have and it's called the freedom of speech. We can say what we want and believe what we choose. However, we must always be aware that by putting our opinions "out there," that someone will inevitably disagree with or be offended by our statements. Despite this, it does not make the original opinion invalid and it does not mean it shouldn't be stated.
Wade, this directly connects to your statement about this group needing to think of other people and how they might react. Such is the point - they are stating their opinion despite the reaction and disagreement that may follow. It's their freedom of speech.
And, it is essentially the point of this blog - conversation.
Yes they have freedom of speech, and i may have been wrong to say that you should think of other people, but I also have the freedom of speech rights too and besides the point of saying think of other people I was still stating why I disagreed. It could have been a little more reasonable but I do not think that just because you lose faith you should lose your life.
I myself do believe in God. I think that Donnie's post is great. It brings up a interesting topic (but also a very touchy topic.) I think it's great that Donnie's not afraid to say I don't need faith in my life if I have my family and friend to live for. Which makes me think....maybe you have more faith in your life that you think Donnie. You have faith in yourself and others around you. You just don't have faith in any Gods. Your living for yourself and have faith in yourself and I respect that.
I agree Wade, you have a right to disagree just as they have a right to their opinion despite what anyone thinks.
I agree with you Shelby... Just because you don't have faith in God does not mean you have do not have faith. Who are we to judge those who don't have faith in my God? I can not discriminate against you just because of that. It isn't right for me to discriminate against a different religion is it? Donnie just because you don't believe in God does not mean you don't have faith. You have faith inside yourself! You also did a very good job stating why you believe the way you do. I don't think that it offends anyone.. Great job!
Donnie, even if it does offend someone, it's your opinion and you're entitled to it. If someone states his or her opinion that is not a personal attack on another person, then it cannot be deemed offensive - just a point of discussion.
It just concercens what you concider faith i guess.
Wow, for the first time I just read your comment Donnie! Every powerful and true! You do want to live for your family, friends, and yourself...Good comment! That opened my eyes a bit more about this Post!
I just wanted to say that we didn't in any way mean to attack or offend you. We were only defending our opinion and you were also. We never took it offensive, but maybe you did. But i apologive.
And we never ever said your comment was bad, so if people think we did we didn't, we defended our opinion like he did.
Have a wonderful day [:
Katrinalogan...I think these conversations were great and I love the emotion (just like Mr. Neuburger said). Keep up the intensity!
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