1. In Auschwitz Jews went through a process. Describe the first 48 hours for Jews once the doors opened to the cattle cars. Describe what is lost or gained with each significant event.
Once the doors opened to the cattle cars, the Jews were split up according to gender. They were then put into groups of five, and were asked their age and occupation. From there, depending on which group they were in, they were either sent to the crematorium directly or sent to a work camp. Once in a barrack of the camp, they were stripped of all their clothes and were sent to the barber. They were then sent to barrack after barrack, having to be soaked in a disinfectant liquid and given multiple showers and clothing. After standing for hours, officers came to take those who had specific training in certain occupations, such as locksmiths, carpenters and electricians. After days of standing and traveling to different barracks, the prisioners were tattooed numbers on their left arms which replaced their names. Every day they had several roll calls where every prisioner was accounted for.
2. Elie says, "We spoke of everything mentioing those who had disappeared." Why would they not speak of them? To whom is he referring?
They would not speak of them because they knew the others were dead. "The others" refered to those who hadn't made it through the first selection process. It was so much easier for the ones remaining in the camp to think of every thing else but how their loved ones had been exterminated. If they had thought about it, then they might have realized that death could happen to them as well.
Posted by the most amazing group ever: Taylor, Sam H, Katrina the bomb Logan, Samantha, And Elizabeth (Awesome)
I liked your guys answers. Way to tell how the Jews were like split up, but maybe like I said to the other groups add more detail into what the Jews were thinking and such. Other than that really good. Also good job answering question number three. Its really true that they tried to avoid thinking that people that they knew were being killed, so they just went on in life.
Good job. Your answer to question # 1 was good. Similar to ours also. Then your answer to Question # 2 was great. I wouldn't know how to put it into words. So you guys did a great job doing so. Couldn't of said it better! Keep it up! :)
Good job on your answers you were really specific. On your first question you wrote exactly what happened. You should have wrote a little more about what they lost and gained but other than that you did really good. It's sad how in the second question they lost their loved ones, and the people who didn't make it through the first process. Why would they want to talk about these people when they know something bad has already happened to them.
I agree with both of your answers, number two probably being the best. You wouldn't want to get your feelings down about losing a loved one when the only way to survive is to keep your spirits as high as possible.
Good job on answering the questions, they were both very descriptive. Great job.
I like how you answered your questions. I never thought about if they had to work they were lucky because they had the chance to see friends and family. I agree with your number two question. I liked how you added more information about him. It is a really good post.
Good job on answering the questions. If i was in there shoes I would have wanted to be the workers.
I really like what your group has said it was very detailed. I loved what you have said.
You did a good job of answering all the questions. I like how you went into detail on number two. Great post!
I like how you answered all questions. I really think number two was the best, And that you really understand how they may have felt. Like with losing some one you care about and love. It would have been hard to get though that.
I made my comment really short so I am posting another one but it will be longer. I liked it when your group explained what happened with in the first forty-eight hours it was very detailed and it explained several different things in your post.
I agree with most of what your group has said, except for what happened during the first 48 hours after the prisoners got off of the trains. If you refer to page 124 in "The World Must Know",(Mr. Neuburger shouold have a copy), there is a flow chart for killing centers. The prisoners are first sorted into those who can walk, those who can't, and those who didn't even make it through the train ride. Then after that they are segregated by sex, and then onto "selektion", where the prisoners were either chosen for work, or immediate death. It continues on into more detail, but please refer to that. Other than that, I agree with what you have said.
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