Is a person truly alive if he or she has abandoned all faith...faith in God, faith in life, faith in man? What part of our identities does faith play? How can the abandonment of faith be the equivalent of death? Or can it?
A. No, you cannot be truly alive if you have abandoned all faith. The reason why is because faith is hope, and hope is everything, without faith, without hope, all is lost. Faith plays everything in our life. Every decision we make is based on faith, everything. As for the abandonment of faith be the equivalent of death, yes it is. When you abandoned faith, you pretty much abandoned everything. Faith is everything - the way you make decisions, the way you think, the way you live. And when you abandoned it because life is too hard, you're pretty much dead. When you abandoned faith, you abandoned everything.
McCool Group
Alex S., Jackie M., Shane L., Jackie G.
You had a very good post. The only thing is the word abandoned. That is past tense and you guys are using it as present tense. But other than that great post.
Thanks Ta Ta!! :)
I couldn't agree more! Faith is everything! If you don't have something to live for then wy live??? Great Post!!!!!
I agree with you 110%. This is exactly what we put, and some people took it offensive, but i agree with you guys. Good post. [:
I completely agree with you faith is everything and why live if you don't have faith... Great post.
I like how the group answered the questions by giving supporting statements. Though i do disagree on the whole if you lose faith its equivalent of death. Just because you lose faith doesn't mean you wont get it back. Some people choose to lose faith to have a better understanding of life when they take it up again. If that makes any sense to you. Sometimes you have to go backwards to make progress in the future. Nice answers though good job.
Very good. faith is every thing in life. To me with out faith i would be empty in life. When some of then abandoned there faith it was pretty much death for them, giving up when the going gets tuff is a main route taken by most. People need to always have faith in themselves and in God. Awesome post!
I agree with your whole post. That is exactly what I think about faith. I do think though that if you lose faith you can always get it back. You guys backed up your answers well. Great post :]
Well this is a great post!! My group said the same thing. With out faith in something there is no reason to live I mean you are totally right faith and hope are everything. Every day in your life you make chocies and most of them if not all are made around your faith. So great post I completely agree good job!!!
Darius, we didn't mean faith is equivalent to death. We meant without faith your "soul" is dead. We should of stated that a bit better.
I agree with you guys completely. If you ask people what they believe in they always have an answer for you. It may not be God but it can be anything that they want it to be. Why wouldn't people have faith in something? There would be no reason to live.
I completely agree. Its kind of like what my group said. :) Without having faith you have no purpose. everyday is based on how you make decisions based on your faith. Excellent.
I completely agree. Its kind of like what my group said. :) Without having faith you have no purpose. everyday is based on how you make decisions based on your faith. Excellent.
I completely agree. Its kind of like what my group said. :) Without having faith you have no purpose. everyday is based on how you make decisions based on your faith. Excellent.
I really agree with the point you made about how decisions are based on your faith. No matter what your faith is your actions always reflect it. Good Job.
I really like your post and agree with it. I liked how you didn't bring God into it because faith doesn't always have to be in God. You just talked about faith and life in general and I loved that. Great Job!!
I like what your group said, but I want to talk about Darius's comment. I think you can get your faith back, but at the same time you still have hope to try to get that little bit of faith back. So if you completely lose faith, there will be no shred of hope in your body to bring you back to faith. If you can hold onto that little shred of hope, you can make it through anything because there will always be that faith buried within you waiting to be discovered.
I thought your guys post was good. I especially liked the part where you said "Faith is everything - the way you make decisions, the way you think, the way you live." That is very true. Faith is something in you that helps you get through the day and make the right choices. Good post.
Yes Erika, I do agree with you when you say that! But what Darius had said "when you loose faith that is equivalent to death, I had to comment back because that isn't what we meant. If you loose faith then your soul is dead and yeah you can get you faith back! So that is our bad!
Elizabeth make sure that you don't put the same comment like four times because you did. But other than that I really liked what everyone else had said to my group. Thanks for the good comments everyone.
Jackie, she might have just clicked it once and it appeared that way. So she didn't mean to do that!! That happened to me, I only clicked post comment once and it was on there like 4 times, but I just deleted it! So she didn't do it on purpose to state her point.
Jackie G., I don't think she did that intentionally...
I'm sure it was a computer glitch. Technology...ain't it wonderful?! ;)
Well i know that she didn't do that intentionally but if she notices that she can at least delete the other three statements that are there. Thats all I was saying.
Isn't technology wonderful! Gosh, you should right a song about that! :) haha Just Joking!!!
The Technology Tango...
...oh the troubles and triumphs that traverse our technological existence...touché, touché.
Gosh girl, I think you should go pro!!
I'm not planning on quitting my day job. :P
Well, that's good! No offense but I think you are better at Teaching! But what to I know! Just stating my opinion! :)
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