Mrs. Schachter's son was only ten years old, so he must have felt very frightened when his mother was screaming about her "visions." At first he held her hand and tried to comfort her, but when he saw how other people in the car responded to her, by hitting her and yelling at her, he started to feel like the others. We think he knew that death was coming and he wanted her to stop drawing attention to them. He tried to do what was best for her, what would save her from more pain, by stepping up and being the strong protector. He could not stop the other people in the car from hurting her so he just tried to make her stay quiet so they would have no reason to.
There is no doubt that Mrs. Schachter was treated inappropriately. It is never right to beat someone near death, especially over some yelling. At the same time, though, the prisoners had to do what was necessary to stay alive. They were so frightened of what the police would do to them if they heard her that they believed they could sacrifice her to keep the rest of them safe. Also she represented a sort of reason why the Nazi's hated the Jews. They believed by complying with the Nazi's, they would forget about them, especially if they didn't stand out. She stood out in that group so they saw her as the reason why they were being taken to these camps and doomed to death. They took out their anger on her, not necessarily to keep her quiet, but more out of frustration at their situation. The prisoners could have handled the whole situation differently because the beating didn't stop her. If they really needed her to be quiet, obviously talking to her didn't work, they could have focused more on gagging her or isolating her. They could have tried harder to get her to be quiet but still give her some dignity. Being locked in a cattle car for days can make a person go crazy; they should have been more understanding instead of so hostile.
By: Ashley Urtado, Darius Jones, Erika Keithley, and Suzy Byers
I like how you wrote about the first question. He was really young and he tackled a very big task to be there for his mother when she was well crazy. They really should have been more understanding. Even though she was screaming something they didn't want to they should have understood that she was just tired and scared....after all weren't they?
I agree with your comment. If I were on the cattle car.. only with my mother... losing her husband and two other sons... wouldn't you freak out? Her son was only doing what he believed was right. Which he was doing the right thing but comforting her. The Jews were doing what they believed was right. But was it? How do you know? They beat her just not knowing what would happen to them. Out of fear the did what they thought was right...
I liked what your group had said but i think you could have explain it just a little bit more if that is possible. Keep up the good work
I also agree with your comments. I would also freak out if i was only with my mom. I would also comfort my mom.
I agree also how did they know that what they were doing was right and it ended up being that she was kinda of right about the fire.
I agree with your answers for the questions you answered. I liked how u put detail and put thought into it. I thought you described your answers well.
I agree with your answer if i was with just my mom i would be scared to and try and comfort her but be worried what the other people are thinking. I also like how you put lots of detail into it.
I agree with you in answer number two about how it is inappropriate to hit and beat her. But also They had to do something. I mean if the Nazis came back there who knows what they could have done. They might have beat everyone and possibly killed everyone.
Shane, Why would you freak out, And why would you comfort her? What all went on?
Brady, I didn't know KINDA was a word.
I really like how you put your answers!!! You got right to the point and you put a lot of detail in it, describing everything well and I must say I like the picture that you posted along with your answers! It's hard to believe that's what actually happened!! Still can't believe it myself that a human would do that to another. :( Good Job!!!
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