1. What would you have done if you were on the train?
A. Honestly, we wouldn’t know what to do. We would try to sit it out, but in the end we probably would have went insane. Sitting in a crowded train with a bunch of people doesn’t sound too appealing to us.
2. When Mrs. Schachter saw the fire, was it a mental breakdown or was it a premonition? Defend your answer.
A. We think that it was a little bit of both. She was having a mental breakdown because she was going insane from losing everything but her youngest child. Then it was also a premonition because she might have been actually seeing something, like she was meant to warn them from what was going to come up, but no one believed her.
3. What was going through the minds of the Jews when the doors of the train opened and they saw the flames from the crematorium? Were they in a state of mind to feel regret for their actions against Madame Schachter?
A. They were thinking death, the loss of hope, confusion, everything was running through their weak minds at that time the doors opened into the gates of “hell.” Yes, they did regret not listening to her. She was right after all and they should of listened, but would you of listened to a lady crying out fire in the night time?
McCool Group
Alex S., Jackie M., Shane L., Jackie G.
You did a very good job it had a lot of detail and you answered your questions with very much heart you know the story for sure.
Good post. I agree with your answer from question number one. I really don't believe I would really know what to do either. On question number I believe she probably was having a mental breakdown. She lost everything, she was cramped in a cattle car, alot of things were going wrong. She may have heard things about the crematorium so therefore tried to warn the other Jews. But nobody really knows. And on number three, I couldn't agree more. The thing I would have been thinking the most would have been death. Good Post!
This is a good post. On number two i like how you defend your answer for thinking she was having a mental breakdown and you thought it was premonition. The way you answered number one is the same thing i would of thinking if i was there. Great job!
Nice post. I agree with you all the way. There is no way that we would truly know what we would do on one of those trains unless we were actually placed in the same situation. As for whether Mrs. Schachter visions were a premonition or mental breakdown, I agree with you that it was kind of both. She had just suffered enormous loss and was probably teetering on the edge of sanity.On the other hand, we cannot ignore the uncanny likeness between her visions and what they would see and some eventually go through.
I am with you guys on your first answer. I am not for sure exactly what i would have done on the train but I think I also would have went insane.
In your second answer, I find it kind of hard when Mrs. Schachter saw the fire, for it to be both her going insane and a premonition. Yes she was going insane but I don;t think that her "visions" would have been correct if that were all. I think it was easy at the time to blame it on her insanity but really it was a premonition. There was really a fire, the Jews just chose not to believe her at the time.
I like your answer to number three. Except for the last sentence. I think that if I were them, i would have believed her. They were already going through suffering and "hell" so i would have probably believed anone that said anything negative at the time.
Nice job. I agree with you that I would not know what to do on the train. Nobody really knows what they would have done unless they were there, but insanity is probably a good guess. I agree that it was probably a little bit of both. She was depressed from losing her family, so she was probably going crazy, but her visions were so close to the truth, that they very well could have been premonitions. So much was probably running through their minds, but I agree that there was probably some regret there too. Nice Job.
softball_09 That was really nice of you to post the comment that you did I really liked what you had to say it inspired me to do good comments thanks and i hope that everyone else could post very good comments thanks again
What do you guys even mean, would you listen to her if she saw a fire at night time? Isn't a fire more visible at night time?
Honestly Lindee, I wouldn't know what to do... I'd be going insane from all the chaos that was happening in the train. Knowing me I would believe her if she had said fire. But after a while when she kept on saying it, I would begin not to believe her. Thanks for the question Dualls!!
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