1)In Auschwitz Jews went through a process. Describe the first 48 hours for Jews once the doors opened to the cattle cars. Describe what is lost or gained with each significant event.
After the doors to the cattle cars opened, the Jews went through a selection process which separated the men and older boys from the women, girls, and young children. After that, men above the age of 40 and below the age of 18 were separated from the rest of the men. Families were split and this caused great torment among the people. Later, the men were stripped of their clothes and forced to stand in the mud for hours on end. This was most likely the lowest point in their lives. They lost their dignity, pride, and most of all, their faith.
After they lost practically everything, they gained a few things. First of all, they got new clothes when they were moved to Auschwitz. Standing naked in the mud for hours helped them to gain mental strength because nothing anyone could do to them after going through this could make them feel any lower. The Jewish men then gained a sense of hope when they were transported to a work camp from the death camp. They also received food regularly at the work camp, not a lot, but more than before. At this point they also gained a sense of faith, because things were now getting better inch by inch.
2) Elie says, "We spoke of everything without mentioning those who had disappeared." Why would they not speak of them? To whom is he referring?
Elie is referring to the families of the men who were still alive. They will not speak of them because they all assume their families have already been murdered. It also would be very hard to speak of people you got seperated from and had a relationship with your whole life. However, not speaking about them gives them a sense of hope they are still alive in the camp somewhere. In addition, it would be hard to talk about them because they just lost them and have little hope that they are still alive or will see them again.
Blog posted by: Tyler Abma, Ryan Morris, and Josh Harlow.
All of your responses are really good I really like them
Your answers are very good! You put a lot of detail into both of the questions!! In Question #1 I like how long it is and how must detail and facts you put into it. Then in Question #2 very good. You described everything well! Good post and keep up the good work!
Great post, very detailed,I really like this one. Good work.
I agree with them you have a good use of detail in your answers! your answer too # 2 was your best one i think.
I like how you guys went into detail in most of your answers. On question number i like how you explained the first 48 hours over all good post!
I agree with you for the most part, but you wrote that they most of all lost their faith and then you said they gained a sense of faith. I don't think they gained any faith they were so upset. But other than that you did good.
I like the detail and how well you described the first forty eight hours. You did a great job on that. I also liked how long you answers where.
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