Friday, December 5, 2008

Should Elie Wiesel forgive the Nazis, or should Elie hold a grudge and keep the pain they caused in side? What is the best way to go on with life after a tragic incident like the Holocaust? Especially when you were one of the victim’s that lived through this horrific event. I believe there is room for forgiveness, but you will always remember what they did. There for how they treated you is always going to play a big role on how you would like to treat or think of them. And even if you have forgiven them you will always have hatred towards them. Also, it would take more than a day or two, to forgive them, but I think it is possible and should be done. Whether you are a Christian or believe in other faiths or none it all, I was raised Christian and taught to forgive others for there trespasses. There for I think that should go for everyone whether Christian or not, it is the polite thing to do and it will show who is the bigger man by forgiveness.


brady said...

I like your one sentence that says if you do forgive them you will always have hatred towards them. Good job dub!

Shelby Lynn said...

I completely agree. It would be hard to forgive but he should do it anyways. It even says in the Lords prayer "... And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us."

Wade said...

Bingo. Thats how i thought of that sentence, is from the Lord's prayer

Scott said...

I kinda agree and disagree. If it was me i couldn't forgive the for what they did because they took the one thing in my life away that means the most and thats my family if they did it to me I couldn't forgive them. But at a point i see some forgiveness in it. Good post other than that.

Natasha said...

I guess I sort of agree with your last sentence. I'm not the type of person to really care if what I'm doing is the polite thing, but I do agree that by forgiving these people, Elie would be the bigger person.

Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily think that they will have hate for them forever, but I will agree that they wont like these people. I mean if you get burnt by a candle you are going to be mad but you can't hate the candle forever, you will just remember how hot it is and stay away. You will move on but you will never try to stick your finger in the candle again. Its the same way with the Nazis. What they did is unquestionably wrong, but to move on you have to let it go. You must never forget it, but you must let it go.

Darius said...

I also believe that Elie should forgive the Nazis, it does show who can be the bigger man and who can not. I also believe that everyone should forgive cuz no one wants to hold all that hatred inside of them that could cause you to be a bitter person.

Missouri State Single Season Strikeout King said...

Good job, had a few typos such as "there for" instead of "therefore" but doesn't everyone? I totally agree that even if they do forgive, forgetting is out of the question. It would probably be impossible to forget what happened but it would make it easier for Elie after he forgave.

Katrina said...

I agree with Erika. They can't forever hate them. I do also think they should forgive them. Also it would take many many days to get the courage up to forgive them, i agree. Good post!

Jared Andrews said...

Awesomw dude! as a fellow christain forgivness is an important role on my life. Elie would be the bigger person to forgive the nazis so that he can move on in his life, sure he will still have some hatred for them, but forgiving them will help ease the pain.

Senior 09 said...

I think it is hard to say whether or not i would be able to forgive them like we can all say the right thing to do is forgive but how can we say unless we lived what Elie lived, you know what i am saying

Samantha said...

Nice job! I agree that one should show that they are the bigger person and forgive. If Elie chose not to forgive, then I think that he would just be stooping down to the Nazi's level. He should forgive so he can show that no matter what is done to him, he can keep his Faith and that he is a good person that no one can bring down. If he forgives the Nazi's, I also believe that his life as he knows it now, can be so much better. It can because once he gets all that hatred and grief out of his heart then he will be able to move on with his life and become happy again.

Sam said...

Great job. I completely agree that you can forgive but forgetting is never going to happen. I also really like when you say that everyone should forgive no matter there trespasses. Forgiveness is also the polite thing to do. Great comment!

Whitney said...

I love what Erika said in her post. You can't go through life hating something forever, thats just taking away from your own freedom and happiness, its important to move on from things.

Constance said...

I agree with Erika, once you know how something is and it hurt you you do not go back to it. You forgive, but not forget. The Jewish people know how the Nazis treated them during the Holocaust, they should forgive them to move on, but it does not give the Jewish people to treat the Nazis the same way. Good job.

student said...

This post has a lot of confusing parts. First you say that there should be room for forgivness then you say even if you forgive you will always have hatred. Is it not the point of forgivness to let go of the hatred you harbor and tell them that it is alright? I do not agree with you on it being the polite thing to do. When you are being polite you open the door for old ladies and stuff but forgivness is when you think that person is worthy of being forgiven. When you forgive it is for your own sake not for the feelings of others.I respect you opinion on all of this and I do not mean for you to take it as I am trying to argue with you. But I do agree with you when you said that there is "room for forgivness."

suzy said...

I believe that to fully forgive someone you cant continue hating them. Forgiving is not forgetting. Yes, they always will remember what the Nazis did, but living with what they did is what matters. You cant do that with hate in your heart.